Chapter 19

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The next couple of hours were a blur. Andrea drove the girls to the hospital, Taylor in the back seats with Jessica, cuddling with the girl the entire way. She was whispering reassurance into the girls ear every few seconds but Andrea could see the fear in her eyes every time she looked into the rearview mirror.

When they arrived at the hospital Jessica was quickly set up to a lot of machines, the doctors kept asking her the same questions about her symptoms, Jessica refused to let go of Taylor's hand the entire time.

Taylor knew deep down this was serious, she knew instinctively that this wasn't another trip for fluids before being discharged home. She tried to keep her face neutral – tried not to show the fear but she was absolutely terrified – terrified of losing control, terrified she had done the wrong thing but most of all terrified of losing the young girl.

The doctors had explained that it would take them a few hours to ascertain what was happening so Taylor sent Andrea home, Andrea begrudgingly agreed – only so she could rest incase she was needed later.

Once the doctors had done their initial tests they left Taylor and Jessica alone, Taylor looked over to the young girl, seeing for the first time how truly gaunt and frail she was. Jessica looked straight back at her, the concerned expression on her face increasing "I feel Dizzy Tay". Taylor nodded, swallowing her fear down "I know, you're ok. You're going to be ok". Jessica squeezed her hand as tight as she could "please don't leave me" Taylor squeezed back tighter "I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to stay right here".

Taylor pulled the blanket up tighter over Jessica's body, cringing slightly as she could feel her ribs when her fingers grazed over them.

A different doctor came in, holding the ECG they'd performed when they came in. His expression was grave, the concern evident as he spoke. He didn't look at Jessica – focusing all his attention on Taylor "I am very concerned about Jessica's heart. The electrical rhythm isn't following the right pattern. The heart rate is also a concern. Usually we would expect a heart rate of 60-120, Jessica's is less than 40 right now. There is a real risk she could have a cardiac arrest. We are waiting for the full lab results but the early results we have indicate severe dehydration and malnutrition. Her body is failure right now. We need to act" Taylor concealed a gasp, squeezing the teen's hand tighter – scared that if she let go Jessica would slip away "Ok, so what do we do?"

The doctor glanced at Jessica for the first time "I am going to admit her, I understand you have been working with Dr Smith so I have contacted her, but this can't wait. While we wait for a bed I need to start some IV fluids with potassium. It's not pleasant but it will help with the heart rhythm. I will get the nurse to come in and set up an IV line. I'll be back when I have more news". He turns around and walks out quickly, Taylor turns towards the teen who promptly bursts into tears "Taylor I don't want to stay here, I want to come home with you. I don't want to stay in some strange place – just let me come home. I will eat, I promise – I'll do everything you say. Just don't let them make me stay here". Taylor sighed sadly, bringing the girl into a tight hug, she rocked her slightly, attempting to calm her down. Jessica pulled away, begging the blonde to stop this "Taylor, Please!"

"It won't be for long – it'll just be a few days and I will visit whenever I'm allowed. I think this could really help buddy – I...I'm not sure I can do this at home anymore. I think this is too deep." Hearing that Taylor didn't want her at home anymore destroyed the young girl, she began to cry even harder, unable to stop. While they waited for the nurse the two of them sat in silence - Taylor just rubbing Jessica's back as she cried, trying to process what was happening.

After around 20 minutes Jessica had finally stopped crying, Taylor was still sat next to her on the bed – the young girl curled into her chest. A nurse came in with the equipment to set up an IV, she put a tourniquet on Jessica's arm and watched for the veins appearing. Taylor could see the frown on her face but didn't comment, she watched at the nurse felt around the skin "Hmm, I can't see any here, can we look at the other arm?" Taylor shifted slightly so Jessica could move her other arm up. The nurse continued to search then finally found one good vein, she attempted to get the cannula in but couldn't get it in the vein "You're a bit tricky to get access to, I'll go and get my senior".

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