Oh, here we go again (part 4, final)

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Tree turned towards Jessica "She is going to be OK. They will get her sorted"

Jessica nodded, tears building up again "that was SO scary"

Tree nodded "I know – but she's going to the right place. Taylor will tell us what's happening as soon as she can."

Jessica looked down "was it my fault? I woke her up and then Taylor was distracted because of me..."

Tree's face softened immediately "Oh honey, no it wasn't your fault. Babies get sick. She's so little that any bug can make her really poorly. But she will be fine. I promise"

Jessica nodded, then sat down on the sofa, pulling her legs up to her chest as she replayed the scene over and over in her head.

Tree knew there was no point in trying to get her to eat when she was this upset so she silently took the bagel and banana back to the kitchen, admitting defeat for that battle.

Jessica continued to sit quietly for the next hour or so, Tree tried to engage her in conversation but the teen was too anxious and caught up in her own thoughts to respond properly. Finally she looked up at Tree "Can you text Tay? Just to see what's happening?"

Tree smiled softly "I already have, no response yet so she's obviously busy but I know as soon as she gets a second she will call us..."

Jessica nodded, tears spilling down her face again "I was really horrible tonight..."

Tree crouched down in front of her "You were scared. You didn't mean it. Taylor knows that..."

Jessica swiped her tears away "but if something happens-"

Tree interrupted her "Nothing is going to happen. Emmeline is going to be fine. You are all going to be fine. Do you hear me?"

Jessica nodded but just as she was about to speak again Tree's phone began buzzing. The redhead quickly picked it up "Hey Tay.."

Jessica watched on and tried to understand the conversation from one side. Eventually Tree hung up "she wanted to speak to you but the doctor came back in – she is going to ring again later when she gets a chance. Emmeline is OK. They took some bloods, she has a chest infection. They've started her on antibiotics and she has had a nebuliser to make it easier to breathe. The seizure she had was just a febrile seizure which means she was just really hot. They're going to monitor her overnight to be safe but they'll be coming home tomorrow..."

Jessica nodded along, listening closely "so she is OK? Can we visit?"

Tree shook her head gently "the doctors said not tonight – Tay already asked them. If anything else changes Taylor will let us know but she is OK. It was just a nasty scare"

Jessica nodded slightly, chewing her lip anxiously "Is Taylor mad?"

Tree pulled the teen in for a hug "No, she's not mad. She's worried."

Tree went into the kitchen to cook dinner. Eventually she returned to the living room "Dinner time honey, come through"

Jessica looked up and shook her head once, her voice breaking as she spoke "I'm not hungry"

Tree narrowed her eyes "I didn't ask if you were hungry. I said it's time to eat. No arguments"

Jessica's hands began shaking "Tree...Please..."

The redhead shook her head, walking over to the teen and pulling her up gently "I don't want to hear excuses. You HAVE to eat"

Jessica resisted "I feel too anxious"

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