Oh, here we go again (part 3)

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Emmeline stayed unsettled throughout the afternoon. The two women took turns in trying to comfort her but both of them were becoming increasingly concerned about her health, unconvinced that she could be left alone for the next few days in case she got worse.

Finally Taylor managed to get her back to sleep after a long feed and Tree left to pick Jessica up from school.

As the teen saw her sitting waiting, dread filled her as she realised Taylor had in fact told her what was going on.

She opened the car door slowly, trying to keep her voice light "Hey!"

Tree smiled kindly at her, trying to hide the panic in her own voice as she saw how frail the girl was "Hi honey, how was school?"

Jessica shrugged "it was fine, tons of homework though..."

Tree nodded "there is time for that."

Jessica looked down, picking at her nails "where is Tay?"

"She's at home, Emmeline still isn't well so I said I'd come so they didn't have to go back out..."

Jessica decided to just get it over with "Am I in trouble?"

Tree turned to her, trying to mask the fear she was feeling "In trouble for what?"

Jessica just looked at her, opening her mouth then closing it again – unsure what to say.

Tree took pity on the girl "No, you're not in trouble sweetheart. We are just worried about you."

Jessica looked up, tears in her eyes "I am fine"

Tree could see straight through it, she could see the exhaustion written all over her face, could see the gaunt expression of the teen. Her voice was firm but kind "Jessica. We are worried about you. Your weight is dropping again. We know you've relapsed."

Jessica's voice was sharp, defensive, angry "I am FINE. There is no problem. I haven't relapsed"

Tree nodded "OK. You don't have to admit it, we know it. But it's time for a snack. Do you want to grab something now or wait until we are home?"

Jessica looked at her, fury in her eyes "I haven't relapsed!"

Tree shrugged "OK. So, snack now or at home?"

Jessica narrowed her eyes, determined to get out of it "Home."

Tree nodded, "OK let's go"

They drove home in silence, Jessica silently fuming at the betrayal she was feeling right now. As soon as they pulled up she jumped out the car, grabbing her bag and rushing inside the house. Tree was right behind her. As they walked inside Jessica walked over to Emmeline "hey baby!"

Taylor looked up at her "Hi Buddy, how was school?"

Jessica looked over at her, scowling "fine."

Taylor's smile faltered "that's good. Did you grab a snack with Tree?"

Before the teen could answer, Tree spoke up "Nope, we are going to get something now aren't we Jessica?"

The teen's voice was robotic and emotionless "Not hungry"

Taylor reached out "you have to eat buddy..."

Jessica's head whipped up "I AM EATING! I am fine!"

Taylor nodded "great, then a snack won't be a problem. What would you like?"

Jessica glared at both women "I will wait for dinner..."

Tree spoke up next "No – you're going to have a snack now. Now you can either pick something or I will pick for you..."

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