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Brinda's pov

I found Agastya jiju sitting on a bench outside the labor room, looking tensed while Krish was sitting beside him patting his back.

"When will everyone else be here?" I asked Krish.

"Mom, dad were at your place only. They are coming. Might take another 15-20 minutes!" Krish said, and i nodded.

"She's in so much pain." Jiju said, sighing defeatedly, his gaze fixated on the floor.

"Should have thought before getting her pregnant!" These words left my mouth without my permission.
I am embarrassed.

"Not helping Brinda!" Krish said, rolling his eyes.

"Ugh! Jiju, calm down! She'll be alright. Think about your baby!" I said, trying to console him, sitting beside him. Okay, i know i am horrible at consoling people, but i don't know what to say. I need Riddhi for this!

"You are horrible at consoling people!" Krish exclaimed, and i rolled my eyes.

"And you still needed my help!" I said in a duh tone. Huh!

"Han bs yhi baaki reh gaya ab tum dono ladne lgg jao! Ek kaam krro mera sir phod do!! Usse bhi mnn na bhare to mujhe is building se dhakka bhi de dena!!" Jiju almost yelled, earning weird looks from people around us.

I think they were expecting an apology while the three of us ignored! Okay, i know it was rude, but in our defense, we are stressed.

I'll let this remark slide. Jiju is tensed, and I and that actor are arguing over stupid things even though we don't usually argue.

"Actually, good idea! Building se dhakka de dete hai, sir phodna thoda messy hojayega!" Krish said, earning a samck from me.
And this idiot was lecturing me about consoling people.

"Where's Riddhi?" Uncle, Aunty asked, rushing towards us followed by mumma, papa, bhai, and naina before jiju could reply to Krish's remark.

I pointed towards the labor room she was in, and they all settled down. We could hear faint screams of Riddhi. This is scary.

Please, Krishnaji, keep her and the baby safe. In return, I'll try to be a bit nice towards people, only a bit.

After an hour or so, the doctor came outside.

"How's my wife doctor?.... and our baby?" Jiju asked nervously, getting up from the bench.

"Congratulations, it's a boy, and both mother and child are healthy!" Doctor said, and we all sighed in relief.

"Can... can i meet her... them?" He asked, and the doctor nodded, and jiju went in while we were standing outside. In the meantime, i texted Adhu about this.

Soon after, the doctor allowed us all to meet her and the baby. I got in to witness a teary-eyed jiju standing beside a tired Riddhi holding their son in his hand.

"He's so small." He said to Riddhi, chucking in tears. I don't think they realized our presence. I quickly snapped a picture of three of them.

Mumma papa sat beside Riddhi, hugging and talking to her. Uncle Aunty held the baby after talking to Riddhi, followed by mumma papa.

I sat beside Riddhi and hugged her. She was still breathing unevenly and was covered with sweat, but she had never looked prettier than today.

"Are you okay?" I asked, patting her hair.

"Yup. Did you meet Naksh? That little guy looks like Agastya's copy and not a single feature of mine! This is so unfair!! I was the one who carried him for 9 months, not that stupid father of him!! Itni mehnat ke baad bhi yahi hona tha mere saath!" She whined, and i smiled. Pregnant or not, Riddhi is always unpredictable.

"I am so happy for you! I finally got a nephew." I said, breaking the hug.

"You have become a crybaby!" She said, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I quickly wiped my face, realizing that i was tearing up.

"Bri, you know your special treatment period is over, so get aside. i also want to meet her!" I heard my stupid brother and i got up from there after giving him a death glare, which he ignored!

I went towards jiju, who was holding Naksh, to meet my dear nephew.

"Can... can i hold him for a moment?" I asked nervously, looking at Naksh and jiju. I don't think i have ever held such a small kid. He looks so delicate. I am afraid i might break him.

"I don't like you, but that doesn't mean you can't hold him!" Jiju said, smiling, shifting Naksh in my arms gently.

The baby was not crying but had a little smile on his face. He is so cute! My heartbeat raced to an abnormal speed. I also want a baby. Shut up, Brinda!

"My turn!" I heard Krish beside me. I looked at jiju for a brief moment to ask him.

"You were pushing me from the building, right? Now fuck off." Jiju said looking at his brother.

"Stop cursing in front of a kid Agastya and let Krish hold Naksh too!" Mumma scolded jiju! Did my mom just scold her dear son in law!!! Miracle!

"Fine." Jiju sighed, defeatedly signaling me to shift the baby in Krish's arms.

We stayed in the hospital a few more hours, and then everybody except jiju, Riddhi, and the baby left around 3 in the morning.

I came to my room.

'Just reached home. Naksh is so cute.' I texted Adhu and then got changed into my night suit.

'Our kids will be cuter.' I saw Adhu's reply. Is this guy for real!

'It's not even a few hours since we started dating, and you are talking about kids!' I replied, ignoring the heat rushing to my cheeks.

'Well, it's not true. I mean, even if we are counting, it's 1 year, 2 months, and 12 days.'
A sad smile spread across my lips, looking at the text. We have been through a lot, and our only fault was to fall in love with each other.

'Wait are we dating?' I asked because we never got to that part.

'Of course we are orange! I was supposed to be the stupid one, not you.' I chuckled at his response. He is right, though!

'Why are you awake so late, huh?' I asked.

'Well, i was waiting for your text if that isn't too cheesy for your liking!' He texted.

"Well, it is, but i don't mind it. Okay, now you need to sleep. You have to go to the office! Don't tire yourself. I'll talk to you tomorrow.' I texted.

'Okay, mumma.' He texted, and i rolled my eyes, keeping my phone on nightstand.


Agastya and Riddhi finally became parents!!
Just a few more chapters to the end of this book💕

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment. Stay tuned for the upcoming story.


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