Card 8 Dread Evolution Part 1: Failure

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The fight dragged on Daybreak sees his timer running out. ‘I can't let them see who I am.’

Valvarad was having a hard time breathing. “Hot head, what do we do now?” Takehur asked Kamen Rider Gotchard Daybreak.

Jace held his side as blood dripped from his hands. “I’m using too much…” he collapsed there.

“Dread Type Zero!” The Dreadriver announced as Kamen Rider Dread approached them.

“Your fate is looking a little dreadful!” Noa chuckled as he walked with a little glee.  “You three get out of here.” He took out the Replica Unicorn and Steamliner Chemy Cards.

“Steamliner! Unicorn!” The belt announces as Noa slashed the cards.

“Henshin!” Noa throws the lever on his belt. The two Chemies surrounded him. His charcoal skin appears with a Unicorn mantle on his right shoulder with a cape. His body felt heavier each passing moment.

Decase stood in the street holding up a book. “Rejoice, for he is the one to challenge fate! He has gained a brand new Power for he is Kamen Rider Dread Type One! This is his moment of Reckoning! Fight as you please Noa.”

“Oh great!” Daybreak sneaked away while his timer expired. His suit fades away after the Aurora Curtain moves across the street to reveal another figure.

“How can he challenge fate?” A Magenta Barcode and Number ten themed Kamen Rider approached them.

“Decade?” De-case looked scared. “The Destroyer of Worlds?”

“Hey James, how are the kids?” Decade gleaming at the teacher. His Ride Booker becomes a gun and fires a shot at them.

“Who the hell are you?” Kamen Rider Dread asked the Kamen Rider. “And pink?”

Under the mask whoever he is, Kamen Rider Decade grew furious. “One: It's not Pink, it's MA-GE-NTA! Two I'm a Passing through Kamen Rider and you better remember that!”

“You shouldn't call that pink. It really pisses off Co… Kamen Rider Decade.” De-case looking at the students.

Dread charges towards the experienced Rider. His fists fly rapidly as Decade dodges each attack. As Dread's fists continued to fly, Decade's agility proved unmatched. With each strike, Decade effortlessly sidestepped or blocked, his movements fluid and precise.

Frustration mounting, Dread intensified his assault, determined to break through Decade's defenses. But Decade remained calm, his focus unwavering as he analyzed Dread's every move.

Then, seizing the perfect moment, Decade countered with a series of lightning-fast strikes, driving Dread back with relentless force. With a final, decisive blow, Decade unleashed his signature attack, "Final Attack Ride," a move honed through countless battles.

The blast engulfed Dread, forcing him out of his transformation and back to his human form, Noa. Gasping for breath, Noa stared up at Decade, disbelief and defeat evident in his eyes.

"You were no match for me," Decade stated firmly, his gaze unwavering. "But this is not the end. You still have a choice."

Noa's expression softened, a flicker of understanding crossing his face. Slowly, he nodded, acknowledging Decade's words.

Meanwhile, Decade turned his attention to the larger threat at hand—the Malgam. With a sense of duty and determination, he prepared to confront the looming danger, knowing that the fate of countless lives hung in the balance.

Sera, Jace, De-case, and Takehur looked in pure horror at Noa getting defeated by a passing through Kamen Rider. “That moment should have been his.”

“How are we going to get Amber back now?” Sera looked frightened.

Noa lays there with his hand clutching his Replica Steamliner card. His face was a bit bloody. “Damn it!”

With a swift motion, Decade set off towards the heart of the conflict. “Sorry but a job's a job.” The Aurora Curtain moves over him and the Malgam.


The next day at Hiden Academy, Professor De-case was teaching his class on History. “That's when Japan was unified.”

Jace looked at his notes and couldn't focus. Jace's mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of the recent battle and his inability to summon his Alchemist Driver. Despite Professor De-case's engaging lesson, Jace found it difficult to concentrate on the history lesson.

As the professor continued to lecture, Jace's thoughts drifted back to the events of the previous day. He couldn't shake the feeling of frustration at his own limitations and the sense of responsibility weighing heavily on his shoulders.

Glancing around the classroom, Jace noticed Sera scribbling furiously in her notebook, her brow furrowed in concentration. He wondered if she was also grappling with the aftermath of the battle and the uncertainty of their future as Riders.

Lost in his own thoughts, Jace barely registered the bell signaling the end of the class. As his classmates began to gather their belongings and file out of the room, Jace remained seated, his mind still swirling with questions and doubts.

Sera approached him, concern evident in her eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked softly.

Jace sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just... frustrated," he admitted. "I feel like I should be doing more, but I don't even know where to start."

Sera nodded sympathetically, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure it out together," she reassured him. "We always do."

Feeling a sense of reassurance from Sera's words, Jace nodded gratefully. With her support, he knew they would find a way to overcome their challenges and continue their journey as Riders, no matter what obstacles lay ahead.

Noa looked at his wounds. “Why!” He cried out. “Why can't I beat him?”

Everyone looked at him with confusion. “Tohru, Decade has more experience than Kamen Rider Dread.  You were the Hundreds for a good long time.” Takehur whispered to his friend.

“Why didn't you help?” Noa looked at his friend dead in the eyes.

“My powers were at the limit and Daybreak he left for some reason.” Takehur whispered again. “I’ll fix your Driver and figure out why Dread Type One didn't work.”

“Fine…” Noa sighed. He hands over the belt and his cards. “Well I got a date with Sera tonight. We're going to the Pier.”

“A nice place in this AR World. I heard that they have a nice lungo.” Takehur smirked.

“You always like your coffee fancy and short.” The silver-haired male jokes, his head was aching from yesterday.

‘I know Decade did a number on him but I couldn't believe Tohru would hide his suffering from me.’  Takehur thought for a moment.

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