Chapter 32

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Lois Lane was a shark of a reporter. Her words could cut deeper than most swords and her sharp wit was intimidating, so it was with an enormous smile that Kara watched her pester Luthor about his company's shiny new set of lawsuits.

The camera zoomed out of Lois's face and Kara could see Kal's own amused smile at her side. Her cousin was enjoying Luthor's squirming, a lot.

"I want to reiterate that LuthorCorp is doing its best to cooperate with the government in order to investigate all allegations." The bald man answered smoothly. He wasn't showing many outward signs of the pressure to the point where, if Kara wasn't a Kryptonian, she wouldn't be able to see the bags under his eyes. "LuthorCorp has always had a policy of full transparency in our actions and I assure you, I will personally be working overtime to solve these issues. Next question?"

Using the internet, Kara had released a lot of the information she gathered with the Fog, the result was LuthorCorp losing 9% of its value in only a few days, while getting swamped with civil lawsuits, as well as a few criminal ones.

Luthor himself was being investigated for three dozen crimes ranging from bribery to tax evasion to intellectual property theft, but there wasn't much chance that he'd be getting arrested anytime soon. Still, it was funny to watch the man squirm to solve everything. Despite all his power, his base of influence was crumbling around him and the man absolutely hated it.

Good, Luthor wouldn't have much time to come up with plans to kill her cousin if he was busy dealing with a company losing money faster than the Flash could run. Time for the political assaults!

With a tap of a key, Kara scheduled the release of some more information in four hours, right when she suspected he would be going to sleep. It was nothing illegal, but documented proof that LuthorCorp outsourced the production of its latest circuit boards to the 'completely legal' internment camp in China would hit him hard and probably cost him the Ferris Aircraft contract to WayneTech.

Turning away from the TV, Kara continued tapping at her portable computer, putting the finishing touches on her adaptation of the Fog. The tiny robots had limited use as they were, but she was still recreating them with Kryptonian modular crystals.

They wouldn't be able to form her sturdiest devices, but it would speed up the formation of delicate tech and improve her hacking ability... if she didn't care that it made her actions obvious.

"Friend Kara, you are supposed to be relaxing!" Kori scolded as she floated towards her position on the couch.

"This is relaxing; I'm genetically engineered to enjoy tinkering with technology, Kori." Kara answered as she ordered the new Fog based drones into production.

"Regardless, it is your constant surveillance of Luthor's actions that worries me." Kori sighed and slowly settled on the couch beside her.

"But hearing the suffering of my enemies in the background as I work is the most relaxing part! Muahahaha!"

"No, Bad Kara." Kori flicked Kara's forehead, snapping her out of her laughter.

"Ouch." Kara deadpanned, rubbing her forehead to get rid of the sensation. "What was that for?"

"Maniacal laughter is one of the most glaring signs of villainy." Kori nodded sagely as she explained this self-evident fact. "Master Diana has lost many friends when they started showing symptoms that were not addressed."

"Oof, fine. I have to take a shower anyway." Throwing Kori the remote, Kara lowered the lid of her notebook and floated up. "Don't forget we're going out later, you'd better be ready in an hour."

Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / Kara Zor-El (Comics))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora