The chase. pg.11

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Allie made her way into the vents around midnight. Lucinda kept her word, and although she was thankful,she didn't have much time to investigate what was going on. She, using her screwdriver, followed the directions to the principal office. Ms. Mayweather sat at her desk drinking tea. She looked up to see the room  vent before focXvvx  using going back to her work.

She saw the headmistress walk out without a moment notice. The vent is still on its hinges,swung open to let ally hang. She swung, landing on the carpet to shift through the papers and quietly open drawers to find the Library incident file. She went threw it to find something had been said. A necklace was stolen. Combat had been engaged during the time of the incident, and she saw the image of a huge black form. In the same file ,she saw it was the same entity as the first attack. But what really caught her eye was two shadows in the background. A female and a male,recalling her wise friend words she placed the photo back in the file and in the file cabinet. She closed it and then left without a hitch. Checking out in the hallway, she saw the cameras had been disabled. Which was odd,but she had heard the full moon messed with electronics.

Ally made her way back to her room. Strangely, she heard no sound from head guards. Her question was answered when a fire creature was seen on Embrace High. Ally giggled at the sight as she unlocked her door and went in.

All forms of defenders were after the creature on the ground. It yipping and hollered as the defenders gave chase. They tried not to harm the animal because it was magic. And it enjoyed a good chase. Little did they know this creature was a little more than just any old reguler creature. It was accompanied by a huge bat, and it terrified the defenders.

Allie was laughing at the sight of the defenders' cussing. She watched the show with a fresh bag of popcorn. The little creature winked at her,which provoked a smile. The defenders caught him and Allie in angry threw a small fireball that lit a defender cape on fire, and this gave the creature who was blackish,grey, and red to get away. Allie left her door slightly cracked as the creature flew up and over with their bat friend into Allie room. The defenders came rushing into the dorms hallways. Allie had put on her pajamas and jumped into bed. The bat and creature hid under her bed. As she pretended to be asleep,defenders silently came into her room. Which was a breach of privacy,but they could always say it was a security sweap.

When they had gone,Allie waited for an hour until she was sure. A little dragon and cute bat landed on her bed. "Aww,"she stuck her hand out to let them sniff it. The dragon leaned into the pet. As did the bat under its chin. She smiled. " You guys so cute!" she grabbed them tea."Thank you for leading them away, " the dragon nodded and fell asleep. The bat did as well,she put a blanket over them. Allie smiled from ear to ear, making a note to serve them mango and meat. Lucky she had borrowed from the defenders' catch. She cooked it nice and tender. She left it wrapped up in a cloth,inside her standard issued Embrace High refrigerator. She went to bed to see them gone in the morning,with a thank you note. She had heard magical animals often left letters of gratitude.

Allie got up and ready,washing her hair,putting on her clothes, and washing last night pajamas and shirts. She grabbed her books and was ready for class when she opened the door to no other, then defenders themselves. The sight of them gave Allie a start. "Umm,Morning?"The other had looked rugged.

They smiled and dipped. "You guys look exhausted... maybe yall should get sleep,your deary eye is showing." Allie was outstanded.The defenders went to speak.

The second in command spoke, "Morning Ma'm,as for an exhausted state..we had some probelms last night..not to alarm you, but we think they came through your room at night," Allie said, surprised

Allie spoke. "Oh my!" Allie gasped."You mean I was asleep, and there was an intruder?" Allie blinked.The other defenders weren't having it. One asked, "Probelmatic creatures ,cause a lot of problematic  problems ,somehow went through your room."Ally grew distantly calm.

Allie spoke"Honestly, I already feel uneasy and apologetic for what happened the other night..I personal have not seen any intruders at all...and was mostly asleep..I haven't been feeling well as of I occasionally leave the door window cracked a thin line to get air because my air conditioner been frisky as of late...honestly you might not stand so close...I don't want to get a defender sick"Allie stepped back half a step.

The defenders bowed"Of course ma'm,we shall leave you alone,if you need us,call us,it our duty to protect, and please use the magic barrier on the window,it for protection"Allie nodded.

He added, "Do you mind if we search your room?"Allie nodded but put her hands up.

Ally spoke "you may,but I rather you not get sick,I still need to disinfect the room and such so I don't recatch it, but with what been going on...that would be terrible..if yall got sick or hurt.."Allie saw the defenders nodded.

The defenders replied, "We appreciate the concern Ma'm, your right, we will come back a another time." The third in command went to protest. But the second in command stopped him. "Good tidings,"Allie returned the saying. They left right away as Allie got ready for class.

The second in command, named Wright, talked to his leader. "Why didn't we just wait for her to leave then go in?"The first in command motioned to him them to the girl.

The first spoke, "Even in our work are manners, but maybe you would do good to make friends. Maybe cover what has been uncovered," he suggested.

Wright smiled as he knew what his first in command meant. Maybe it would lead into why there have been so many breaches lately. Maybe she was the culprit they needed. Or maybe she was a fall guy. Only time would tell,and it was right about that time.

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