Chapter 3 - The Very Gay Dinner

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***Warning: Starts with a naked woman. But, like, not in a sexy way***


My bone-deep sigh of relief echoed off the tall, damp walls of the bathroom.

Nothing could beat the smell of mint. Especially when it was coming from a steaming tub after weeks of damp cloths and kitten licks for baths. I missed you, bathtub. You will always be the greatest perk of being a princess.

I ran a rough cloth over my arms and neck, scrubbing off the thick layer of dirt and mud. The sweating I did during that memorable fight in the Pit had done a good job clearing it away in some areas, but I wanted to be extra sure only a little would come off in the blessed water. I wanted to laze about for at least half an hour, and I wouldn't relax if I knew I was stagnating in my own filth.

The bathroom door closed behind me.

"Wow, I can actually see your skin under there," said a familiar goading voice.

I smirked and turned to face my best friend, purposefully trailing the cloth lower over my abdomen.

Fenick's cheeks went pink as he nearly choked on his own spit.

"Damn it, put those away! I'll go blind!" He cried.

He whirled around and slapped his hands over his eyes. Then he started moaning as if he were in the throes of death.

"Now I'm never getting that image out of my brain."

I chortled, moving closer. Our brief lunch earlier hadn't been anything but a quick update. Ribbing Fenick was one of the few things that never failed to bring me joy, so seeing his face without making fun of it had been very difficult.

"That's what you get for entering a room where naked ladies are found," I chided.

He snorted very un-regally. "I found something naked."

Well, fuck you too. Two could play in this game.

I opened my arms to his back, baring my naked torso to the room. Then I bounced up and down on my toes so he could hear the sound of my boobs smacking together. He made another disgusted noise, backing further away from me. I snickered. He was such an uptight prig.

Fuck, it was stupid how much I'd missed him.

"Come give your loving cousin a hug," I crooned, making sure my feet slapped nice and loudly against the wet stone floor.

He shrieked like a kid, still covering his eyes as he dodged around me. I followed him, cackling.

"Wait wait wait! This is payback!" He protested as I pinned him in a corner.

"Right before you left, you charged into my bathroom while I was stark naked! I've been waiting for this moment for months!"

He still wouldn't turn around to face me. With a sinister laugh I tossed the muddy scrubbing cloth against the wall and wrapped my arms around him, crushing him against me. But disapproval made me frown; he was thinner than I'd last seen him. Was it because my assignment for him was too stressful? The Bulan princess seemed like a handful.

Fenick bleated in surprise, wriggling furiously against me. I squeezed tighter to get rid of some of my guilt.

"Ah, family love. Nothing like it," I sighed, rocking back and forth.

"Let – urgh – go, you colossal – agh, fuck – brute!" Fenick said, panting with effort as he tried to escape my death grip.

I had his arms trapped to his sides – so he couldn't punch me in the face like last time – but he tried his best to pry them out anyway. In vain, of course. His frail, skinny body was no match for mine.

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