Here Are Some Maps

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1. There are two of them. One of them is the social geography; the other is the physical geography. Is social geography even the right word? I don't know. 

One is country borders. The other is the terrain. 

2. I know some might say they suck. But they'll come in handy. 

3. The names are weird because I made them weird. I was out of ideas before I even started, so I just put down what came to me. (Note Chee, with a capital city named Zee. Note Bleu, with a capital city named Fromaj. Note Truble, with a capital city named Duble.) Are these countries important? We'll see. I have no idea yet.

 I have no idea yet

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Notes: The brown borders mean countries absorbed by the Empire

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Notes: The brown borders mean countries absorbed by the Empire. The green squares are farms. Fyffell's Fury is a volcano, not a mountain. 

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