Chapter 1 - Dead End

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Jaune was always an honorable man but in order for him to have a FAIR chance in being a huntsman he needed to train.

All legal alternatives are gone thanks to his parents and he had to forge his way in the most renowned Academy "Beacon"

He had to enlist Roman's help into forging his way in, but during his wait and stay with the criminal he was able to befriend the criminals master minds right hand woman Neo

Jaune: hey there, you must be Neo.

Neo signs: hello, who are you supposed to be?

Jaune then signs languages her in response surprising her

Neo signs: you know sign language?

Jaune signs: one of my little sisters is mute as well I had to learn for her sake.

Neo signs: that's nice of you.

Jaune signs: since Roman is working on my papers, do you want to do something?

Neo signs: like what?

Jaune signs: I don't know maybe take a tour around town since in practically new here.

Neo signs: sure why not I've got time to kill.

The two left as they tour the city

Jaune even had the decency to treat her to ice cream

Neo signs: you didn't have to.

Jaune signs: yeah, but I wanted to. You seem nice, well at least nicer than people that I have met in my whole life.

Neo tilts her head in confusion

Did he not have a nice childhood?

Jaune sighs then signs

Jaune: everywhere I go people simply looks down on me simply existing because if my name.

Neo signs: I know how that feels like. My family threw me away simply for being mute.

Jaune then sits next to her

Neo signs: didn't anyone tell you, your pretty naive?

Jaune signs: yeah but strangers are friends you haven't met yet, at least that's what .on says.

Neo signs: that's dangerous if taken the wrong way.

Jaune signs: yeah but you guys seem alright.

Neo signs: were criminals ...uh..

Jaune signs: oh my name is Jaune Arc. Short,sweet and ladies like it.

Neo signs: did your mother tell you that?

Neo signs: did your mother tell you that?

Jaune signs: no my father did.

Neo signs: then he deserves to be kicked in the balls.

No offence

Jaune signs: none taken, he was never good with advice.

The two just laugh things off

Then a bunch of clueless thugs walk in

Thug 1: hey there cutie, why don't you ditch the stiff and come hang out with us.

Thugs 2: yeah we'll show you a good time.

Thug 3 was inching closer to her

Then Jaune steps up

Jaune: she's not interested.

Thug 1: huh who you are you potato boy?

Thug 2: you talk a big game little boy.

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