Chapter 11 - For Honor

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Ozpin: Mister Arc!?

Jaune: Fett.... Jaune Fett.

Ozpin: ...Mister Fett.

Jaune: never thought you would bring all those who gave me hell here to face my judgement.

Cardin: oh what? Jauney boy thinks he can take us all on?

Jaune: I'm no stranger to killing Cardin are you?

Your in my place of business.... The Council? The Police? They can't touch me now.

This is MY City and your only living in it. If not for long. I can kill you with out consequences and I wouldn't even care when your pathetic life ends.

If you think I was still who I was before your wrong... But for the sake of honor I will not degrade myself with your blood ony hands.

But that doesn't mean I won't beat you within an inch of your life for all you did not just me but to her as well.

He points to Velvet

Cardin: ha! You have her as a slave, that makes you a hypocrite.

Jaune: I asked for an assistant she's had the hobby of being a maid and I don't mind. But she's free to come and go as she please, she's no slave.

Blake then let's out a sigh

Majordomo: sir the envoy from Menagerie has finally arrived and is currently waiting for you Daimyo.

Jaune: send him in.

Majordomo: actually a she.

The woman in question enters the room revealing

Kali: greeting mighty Daimyo I came to thank you for all the support you've given Menagerie

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Kali: greeting mighty Daimyo I came to thank you for all the support you've given Menagerie.

She looks towards the group as she recognized one of them

Kali: Blake? ..... Blake!!!!!!

She then zooms past everyone to trap Blake in a hug

Blake: MOM!!!? What are you doing here!?

Kali: I'm here to thank Vale's Daimyo for helping our economy! He bought many raw materials from us were practically able to buy and build our own CCT!!!!

Weiss blanched Menagerie was beginning to rise as a self sufficient Kingdom

Blake: what!? That man deals with the underworld!

Kali: Blake! You do know that our home has an Underworld too, at the very least he's being a positive influence.

Jaune: I hate to break up this happy little reunion but I have bad news for you Mrs. Belladonna, but I have grievances with your daughter.

Kali looks to him shock and looks back to her kitten who avoided her gaze

Kali: what happened kind sir?

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