Part 9: tension

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A few weeks pass and Natasha and I spend a lot of time together again. Our fight is almost forgotten and I trust her fully again. We're definitely very close friends.

With Wanda's help, I've also figured out what power I have: I can fly.
I've learnt to control it quite easily and use it quite often (much to the team's despair).

My mental health might even has become a bit better. Luckily, the topic rarely comes up and I've been able to hide my struggling. I still self-harm and think about dying a lot but I do feel a bit happier, especially when I'm with the Avengers. I feel like I've found some kind of family in them.

At the moment (it's in the middle of December) I am dashing down the staircase on the way to the kitchen. Suddenly I see Thor in front of me and without thinking, I grab him by the shoulders and drag him down with me.
„AAAAH... Lady Y/n, not again!"

Soon we're through the kitchen door and I let him down into a chair, floating above him. „Good morning, Thor."
He just shakes his head, but smiles nonetheless.

I fly to the kitchen island and sit down on it, in front of Natasha who's making herself a coffee.
„What are we doing today?" I ask.
„First, we are having breakfast and then it's group training day, remember?"
I have actually forgotten but I nod anyway.

While Natasha is making our coffees, the other members of the team are joining us in the kitchen. I sit down next to Thor, who is now eating a big bowl of porridge with maple syrup and berries. „Lady Y/n, what are you going to eat?" Thor asks me.
„Oh uhm..." I don't want to eat. „I am not hungry." I lie.
A few seconds later, I am hit by an apple, bread and a pancake. „Eat." Everybody says simultaneously and Thor wants to give me his porridge.

I decide to eat the bread and some pancakes. Tony gives me a plate and Sam hands me butter and jam.
„Coffee with cream and half a packet of sugar." Natasha gives me my coffee and sits down next to me. She has remembered how I like my coffee.

Then I bite into my apple, trying to shove my nasty thoughts about food back. Nat puts her hand on my thigh and starts stroking it with her thumb.

Oh shit. In the past weeks, the butterflies definitely haven't left my stomach.

But I've made peace with the fact that Natasha only likes me and will always like me only as a friend. It is only difficult when she does things like this. I sip on my coffee and stare at the table to ensure that I don't start blushing.

Tony finally clears his throat. He is the trainer today. We all take turns to lead the group trainings.
„Training starts in 30 minutes in the training room. You don't need anything except for a water bottle... and motivation."

I eventually leave the kitchen and fly back to my room, abandoning Natasha and her hand.

Thirty minutes later, we're standing in a circle in the training room. Clint isn't here because he is visiting his family and Bucky is sick.
„I want you to get together in pairs. Number 1: Thor and Sam. Two: Steve and Wanda. Three: Nat and Bruce. Y/n, you're with me. We're team number four."

We stand into our pairs and Tony explains the game. „Every team gets one wall, from which it starts. The goal is to catch people and somehow carry them to your own wall. As soon as a person touches the wall of another team, the person is out and the team gets a point. The team which is left in the end gets two points. We then count the points and the team with the most points wins. Did you guys understand?"
Thor shakes his head and Tony happily explains again.

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