chapter 8

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SheepFur, SirenCrash and LittlePool were on a border patrol as the falling snow covered their pelts. They needed to check if any hostile rouges would wander into the territory.

"What happens if we do find a rouge in our territory?" SirenCrash meowed.

"Make them leave?" SheepFur whispered.

"If they're hostile, we have to chase them away." LittlePool responded. He didn't hear SheepFur's quiet response.

And if they're not hostile we'll just let them wander? SheepFur twitched her tail curiously.

"Yesterday I found a dead worm on the ground!" SirenCrash meowed.

"In leaf-bare?" LittlePool quickly responded while trying focus on the patrol.

That's amazing information. SheepFur thought while looking and the ground.

"Maybe that's why it died!" SirenCrash went on. "I burried it somewhere, hehe."

"Sure.." LittlePool mumbled, then stopped and bristled his fur, getting into a defensive position. He began hissing softly.

SheepFur gazed up and confusion, and then backed up. Great StarClan! A tall and muscular brown dog with a black muzzle approached the patrol. At first, it didn't look like it wanted to cause any trouble, but it has been triggered by LittlePool's hissing and it began to bark loudly.

LittlePool tumbled backwards and crouched down, screeching at the animal.

"Calm down! You're making it mad!" SirenCrash yowled, his words barely audible due to all the noise.

"We need to drive it away!" LittlePool yelled, screeching at the dog louder and even swiping his claws in the air.

The dog sprang forward viciously, but LittlePool gasped in shock and dodged it. He was visibly terrified.
SheepFur almost ran away in fear, but she held herself, trying to remain loyal incase the situation gets worse.

"Run!" SirenCrash meowed loudly, sprinting backwards. "Run! I said run! Run for your lives!"

I'd like that very much, you know. SheepFur thought angrily. She really did not want to fight that dog.

SheepFur and SirenCrash were startled when the dog began to actively chase LittlePool.
SheepFur spun around and couldn't see SirenCrash anywhere. Where did he go?

"Guys, come on, run!" SirenCrash kept yelling, but noone listened to him.

SheepFur just stood there, kneading the ground anxiously, trying to figure out what to do. She tried to trot after the sounds, but gave up when she realised the sounds began to fade away. Guess he'll die.

"SheepFur, listen to me!" SirenCrash hissed as he leaped next to SheepFur. "Why don't you run!?"

"We can't..!" SheepFur meowed.

"Why not!?" SirenCrash asked, raising his eyebrows. He gazed into the distance as the sounds began to get louder.

SheepFur crouched down and waited for the dog to dash through.
She leaped into the air and clawed the dog's rump. You know, maybe that's not the best idea. SheepFur immediately thought, and the dog howled in pain and turned around, now barking at the other two cats. At least LittlePool can catch a break.

SheepFur raised her paw and wanted to scratch the dog's muzzle, but the dog chomped her leg, and SheepFur screeched in terror, shaking her paw, only making it hurt more.

Immediately SirenCrash sprang into battle and slashed his face. "LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!"
The dog let go of her, leaving SheepFur's paw bleeding before he could bite it off.

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