Chapter 8 - White Lavender

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The air around me was bitter, stripping away any sensation I once held dear. The life I once embraced was now spiraling into chaos, leaving me trapped in a whirlwind of uncertainties and nagging doubts.

Those old doubts, once my constant companions, now seemed trivial compared to the new ones that plagued me incessantly. Just a week ago, I resigned myself to the notion of dying alone, convinced that no one on this pathetic little speck we call Earth would ever look into my eyes and declare their love for me, Hunter.

And that belief, deeply rooted in my subconscious, kept me from connecting with women—except for one. Yet, even with her, I lacked the courage to confess my feelings. Now, even those emotions were muddled as my gaze wandered elsewhere.

It's crazy how a mere spark can ignite a fire within, consuming any lingering feelings for another, no matter how strong they once were.

In just a few hours, my entire perspective on life and its purpose shifted so drastically. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't somewhat exhilarated by the changes unfolding before me.

But at what cost?

My mother's words echoed relentlessly in my mind's symphony of doubt.

"No matter what... an enemy is an enemy," she would grip my face tightly, her expression morphing into a visage straight from my worst nightmares. "Don't betray your family for the enemy."

It irked me how she already assumed the worst, but I couldn't assume the best given the circumstances of how I met her. I watched her dispatch rogues effortlessly, devoid of any hint of remorse.

The more I dwelled on it, the more those morning memories seeped through the fog of my mind. The images flickered to life like a slideshow, each frame capturing her face in a way that only one word could describe.

Beautiful. Strikingly beautiful.

Her expression, pure joy amidst chaos, left me envious. It wasn't sadistic or cruel, but rather a liberating joy, a moment to cast aside inhibitions and embrace freedom.

Her freedom was something I long forgot, both mentally and physically, unlike her, I lacked an outlet for the emotions simmering beneath my facade.

I was jealous, painfully aware of the way her canines glistened, her emerald eyes ablaze with a determination fueled by the stormy gray between them. I yearned to find an outlet for my emotions, to ignite the world with my own dazzling flame.

Damn it, I wouldn't mind being burned once or twice by it.


I groaned, hands covering my bandaged face. I was already too entangled with her, yet we hadn't even spoken. The mate bond was already wreaking havoc on me, and I hadn't even touched her yet. Did I even want to?

"Don't betray your family for the enemy."

My warm breath turned cold suddenly, staring blankly at my bed sheets, consumed by conflict.

My mother had departed by now, but her aura lingered in every corner, her words echoing incessantly, embedding themselves mercilessly in my mind, leaving a bitter numbness in their wake.

My volatile emotions only fueled my irritation to the point where, in my dazed state, I couldn't comprehend the visitor in my room.

The voice reached me, but its words were lost, like speaking into a pillow, muffled and distant.

Only when her warm, soft hand enveloped mine did I begin to grasp reality. The contact eased my turmoil. My blurry gaze met hers, and I winced as a tear fell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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