Chapter 7

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*~~} World of Twelve ^ Brotherhood Timeline {~~*

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''' Adamai'''

After nodding to Amalia and telling her to send my greetings to the Brotherhood, I let my wings grow out of my back to fly off with Phearys. We took to the skies, saying few words if it weren't for my curiosity concerning my brother.

"Phearys, do you know where we are going, or are we just wandering in hopes of finding evidence?" I asked. He took a moment to answer me, clearly being cautious with his words.

"When Phearys detected the disturbance, he tried his best to track it. Without the Eliacube and ample time, Phearys was only able to draw a general area to where it took place: Brakmar." I stayed silent for a few minutes, letting the words sink into my mind.

"Phearys, I don't think having a disturbance in Brakmar is any of a good thing. I've never been to the city myself, but as far as I'm aware, the Brakmarians became well acquainted with my brother, and they definitely did not like him. I remember, when the Traitor brought me to the meeting with the Council of Twelve, they spoke briefly about some kind of rebellion, supposedly started by my brother. If any person recognizes the dragon-who-set-the-Counsil-on-fire, it won't take them long to kick me, and probably you, too, out of Brakmar," I explained to Phearys. I still wonder what they meant by a revolt; my brother would never have had the idea to do such a thing, and I knew that for sure. He was determined in his goals, sure, but brave in leadership.

If only he was here to explain the situation in more detailed words. That was kind of his thing, anyway.

"Take on your human form, then, Adamai," Phearys told me, snapping me out of my thoughts, "You and Phearys might be in Brakmar for a while if the city is the size Phearys remembers it being." I sighed, afraid of what might happen.

"Is it really that big?"

"Larger than Bonta, if Phearys is correct. On the other hand, we have an advantage at finding the location of the disturbance."

"An advantage?"

"Phearys brought Little King's Dofus with him." I looked away from Phearys and began staring at the intricate patterns of clouds being blown and tossed by the wind below us. The Dofus was always a dark memory to me, even though it was my own. Plus, it was just linked with my brother's death, anyway. I coughed as I felt the air around us begin to become denser with Stasis as we flew through the sky. Even this high up, any concentrate of Stasis was beyond noticeable if you knew what Stasis was. Not only that, but there was smoke and soot in the atmosphere, as if there were at least forty fires below us.

"Adamai, this is Brakmar."

"What's with the Stasis?" I asked, closing one of my eyes in slight pain from the dryness in the air.

"Brakmar has an issue with Shushus. Besides that, the entire area is built over a volcano," Phearys briefly illustrated before diving into the thickening clouds to land. I dove in right after him.




*~~} The White Dimension ^ Xiaolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 979 <:>

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