Chapter 9

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*~~} World of Twelve ^ Xaiolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 983 <:>

///Third Person///

Yugo looks up in front of him after starting at a dark tree. The tree was tall and a dark green with small white flowers during its surface. He picks one off of the tree and it brings a smile to his face. It comforted him. He looked down at the thick root it grew from and saw etched on its surface, "Oma"

He stood up as slowly climbed down the tree to a wet marshy ground below him. It became obvious that he was in either a swamp or a forest. He walked around a little in the silence until he found a small lake to gaze apon.

As he looked in the water, he noted the color of the sun setting in the sky, the shape is the puffy clouds, and trees behind him. He looked for a long time but couldn't find himself in the reflection.

Yugo suddenly looks up to the sky. He felt a drop of rain. He said aloud, "welcome back, calming, shimmering rain," but quietly still. He noticed that nothing was affected by the water by himself.

He took a second look into the pool and saw only himself. Things were different- he had a hat much like the one Xiaolei took from him and he was older. Sorrowful. He pulled his hands across the water to ruin the water and turn it to ripples.

He sees a brown egg

He turned and ran from the scene. It changed into a dry climate with shorter trees and less wild life. The flowers were the same. He sat and let the sun warm him back. In the sand-like ground he saw drawn a weird in a language he had never seen.

He drew a line under the word and it glowed a wondrous blue. He was suddenly pulled under the ground into an ocean-cave he saw a blue and white kralove in the water and reached out for it before falling into it, soon reaching unconsciousness.




*~~} World of Twelve ^ Xaiolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 983 <:>


I shot awake, flinging my whole body forward into the patch of moss. I groaned quietly in pain, the scar on my back sitting in an uncomfortable stretch.

I adjusted the rim of my hood to cover more of my bangs. The strands were matted with a layer of oil, making them heavy and hard to maintain. I had tried to cut them with my glass shard in the past, but I cut my forehead superficially instead. I decided against it, but I did cut the long back portion to get it out of my way. I knew that my hygiene was important, but the state of my hair was irrelevant because most of it was covered and buried in my hoodie.

The hoodie was a baggy fit on me in its dusty blue color. I thought it would look nice the day I outgrew my hat. Because I had nothing to cover my head after the hat was taken from me, I sewed the hoodie with spare fabric that could be find in the alley next to a clothes store occasionally. The store was too Brakmarian for my style ignoring the fact that I haven't had a kama since I was six years old. I didn't have the time to work a job and most people didn't feel right with hiring a fifteen-year-old orphan with physical deformities and no life plan.

I thought a couple times about leaving Brakmar, but quickly discarded the idea. I had no map, no group of people to travel with, and it would take months to get there without zaap portals, so I was stuck in Brakmar. You had to pay to get out of this stupid city anyway.

I was, at this time, sitting in a small crack behind a familiar building. I was in the neighborhood where I was born and lived for a while. I liked this building; not because it was the apartment I knew Mama lived in, but because the shaded space between the tall buildings here was small enough that I was one of a few homeless people who fit in here. I was definitely underweight for my age.

I didn't know what to think about my age because I never have had a growth spurt. I've pretty much been the same height for as long as I can remember. I might never know why. I also haven't kept track of dates for a while. Last time I knew what day it was was only a few weeks after I was kicked out of the house.

I closed my eyes to think.

My grandma didn't like me in the house. I know it had something to do with my deformities, but the exact reason was and is beyond me. I know that Mama had tried to convince her to let me stay, but she closely failed. I will come back to her one day. It will calm her nerves, but I just am not ready yet. I have to look presentable for her or it'll all be over for me. My whole ambition was to find a way to come to her when my grandma was gone. I never wanted to see her wretched face ever again.

I stopped thinking about my past when I felt a pain in my chest. Keeping my eyes closed, I began to walk out from behind the building, thinking I was only hungry.

A rough hand grabbed my shoulder.

"HEY!" a loud voice shouted into my ear, "Get out of my alley before I make you regret grabbing my stuff, Kid!"

I scoffed. It was another one of these guys.

"Sir, I haven't touched your things. I was merely resting."

"You're too calm to be one of those city kids. Didn't even notice my knife, did you?"

"My eyes are closed. I'm trying to focus on a distant memory. Of course I didn't see your knife, bouftou."

"Iop-head! My knife is in your chest. You're bleeding out."

"Oh, thank you, I didn't notice," I responded, ending the name calling. That was concerning, though, I didn't recognize that I had a knife in me despite the pain I felt. I knew I'd felt worse pain from not eating for a few days. "It's not like I can just go find an Eniripsa, Sir."

"A kid who's afraid of Eniripsas, eh?" He teased, now clearly curious on my intentions.

I opened my eyes and stared at my feet as I said, "Heh. 'Afraid' is an inaccurate term. The problem is that any Eniripsa would force into an orphanage of some kind once I explained why I was actively bleeding out."

"You don't want to be in an orphanage of some kind? Wouldn't it make your life easier if you depended on someone?"

"I've lived on my own since I was six. I don't need a single person to take care of me. I'm getting along just fine."

"Kid," the guy, whom I saw was a rouge, sighed, "You're small, clearly underweight, alone with nothing on your back, and bleeding out. You should at least have someone to count on if you're on the line." I frowned firmly as I stared my at hoodie, a red blob spreading through the fabric where the knife was.

"No Brakmarian wants a kid with deformities like mine by their side. I'd only slow a person down." The rouge smiled and quickly corrected me.

"A small Twelvian like you would be a great thief. Follow me."

With nothing to do and a ruined hoodie, I began to follow the guy.

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