Chapter 12

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*~~} World of Twelve ^ Xiaolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 983 <:>

''' BlueGlass'''

Me, Bew, and Keayden stared in silence at the door as the three Twelvians made themselves quickly comfortable. I identified them as an Osamodus, a Rogue, and a Sram. Bew seemed to grab my hand at my side where I left it unarmed without me noticing and Keayden sighed.

"HAHA! Keayden, you wouldn't believe it!" the loud Osamodus shouted, swinging his tail back and forth excitedly. He dropped the load of stuff he was holding in his arms on the carpeted floor confidently and laughed as the Sram slapped the top of his head with the back of her hand and began to laugh with him. The Rogue watched the scene unfold quietly from an old-looking leather couch, his arms filled with more random things.

"Stop yellin' or you'll overwhelm Shortie over there," the Sram told him, crouching to look at the assortment of items, most of which looked to be expensive. "Speaking of 'im, who'd cha got, Keay?"

Keayden sighed and said, "This is my new recruit, BlueGlass. I have yet to see his limits." The Rogue and Sram looked intrigued, but the Osamodus ignored him and began to look through the pile on the floor himself.

"Well, you better figure out soon because you know that I was a lot for you to handle when I was Shortie's age, and I'm extroverted. This kid hasn't said a word," the Osamodus laughed a bit. I looked to the side, ashamed at my new nickname, as he continued, "Then again, you didn't enjoy recruiting Yushikan either, did you? Seems like two quiet kids is a lot for you."

"I can handle myself, thank you, Thoeris, and I know that I won't have to worry about BlueGlass' relationship with us. He's not just another street boy."

"Is he bleedin'?" the Sram suddenly asked as she appeared next to me, coming out of her invisible form, "Bew, his sweata's blood red."

"I hope he's not bleeding, because I already bandaged that stab wound a few days ago," Bew responded. The Sram sighed in acknowledgement and moved to look Keayden in the face.

"We brought back our treasa' successful, Keay," she told him, "Yushikan had to cova' for me when I dropped my share, though." She turned around to look at the Osamodus, whom I assumed to be Theoris, and continued, "Theoris barely held togetha' and shouldn't've got us caught. Again."

"HEY!" Theoris yelled back, turning her attention to her, "Nothing would have happened if YOU wouldn't have had to go back and fetch that hairpin you dropped after picking the lock, Syrony. AND I STILL ESCAPED AFTER THE GUARDS STARTED YELLING." She tensed up, stomping over to him.

"You're lucky that cha' so cute, Theoris."
"You're lucky that I tolerate you. You and your stupid accent."
"You and I both know that you'dn't've confessed to me if I hadn't've had this accent and got into that contest years back."

"Shut up, Syrony," Theoris finally gave up, "Keay, I'm sleeping outside tonight."

"No you're not!"
"Yes I am!"
"No, you're sleeping with me! The heater broke!"

I tuned them out as they kept arguing and observed the room we were in. It appeared to be a living room with an adjacent kitchen. I suddenly noticed that the Rogue, whose name I didn't know yet, was gone. I tapped Bew's shoulder and began to whisper.

"Hey, where did the Rog-" "AH-!"

I was suddenly pulled backward as the Rogue pulled me onto the ground. I reached for my glass blade, but my arm was pinned by the Rogue. My other arm had the weight of Bew on it, her not having had enough time to let go of it.

The Rogue had dark, black, cold, unwelcoming eyes that made me shiver. I knew that I was breathing quickly again. The Rogue took his hand and maneuvered it out of my sight.

I began to feel a bit dizzy, even though I was on the ground, and the edges of my vision were blurring. Was I not breathing anymore? I closed my eyes.

Just as I thought I was going to lose consciousness, the Rogue was thrown off of me by one of the other Twelvians and I began to feel better. I opened my eyes and was met with the sight of Bew staring directly at me. She backed up as my eyes widened and mumbled a few apologies as she stood up.

Feeling nauseous, I turned over and tried to throw up. Nothing came out, and I began to feel dizzy again. I fell over, losing strength in my limbs. I passed out.




*~~} World of Twelve ^ Xiaolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 983 <:>

''' Bew'''

I got myself off of BlueGlass quickly to try and see what happened. Yushikan was on top of the poor boy, holding his hand to the side of his neck on a vein that I knew cut off circulation. I tackled him without warning, throwing him to the side as I quickly investigated BlueGlass.

He opened his eyes, widening as he saw me. I got up, apologized, and walked over to Yushikan.

"What were you thinking! Why would you want to kill him!?" I yelled at him. He looked disinterested and stood up himself.

"Thought it would spice things up."

"YUSHIKAN!" I sighed heavily in disapproval. "Keayden, get over here, please, I need to check on BlueGlass."

Keayden ran over from where he, Theoris, and Syrony were standing as I walked back over to BlueGlass. I saw him fall over from being on hands and knees, and gasped.


No response...

Cra. He was unconscious again. I picked up the boy frustrated and brought him back to my work room.

Sorry that this chapter is shorter- It took a while to figure out how to establish everyone's characteristics.


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