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I sat in the car with Ryan, Marissa, Seth and Johnny as we drove to his house. We were driving him home from the hospital as he'd just been discharged. 

"You guys thank you. Seriously." Johnny told us.

"Sure, we're happy to help." Marissa told him. 

"Not a problem, man." Ryan added.

"Really, it's the least we can do, Johnny. You did save me, after all." I told Johnny. 

"I just did what anyone else what have done." Johnny told me and I smiled at him. 

"It's this one here on the right." Johnny said, gesturing to a house. 

"Aw, the one with the white trim?" Marissa asked about a nice house. 

"No, it's the one next to it." Johnny said, gesturing to the less nice house. It reminded me of the houses I'd seen in Chino, though it was a little nicer.

"The infinity's pool in the back." Johnny joked as he unfastened his seatbelt. 

"Dude, don't even worry about it. You should see where Ally and Ryan grew up." Seth stated.

"We're moving soon. After I go pro, a year on the circuit, save some money and buy my mom a house on the flowered streets. It may seem a bit optimistic now." Johnny stated, making my smile fall. 

"No." Marissa told him. 

"Well thanks again." Johnny said, opening the door and trying to gather his crutches. 

"Here, let me help you."

"No, I'm fine. You're all gonna be late for school." Johnny protested as he climbed out of the car. 

Marissa handed him his backpack and his bag with all of his medicine. 

"See ya." Johnny told us. I watched in concern as he walked to the stairs and attempted to make his way up them. I winced as he dropped his bag, and after that his crutch fell.

"I can't watch this." Seth stated and Marissa sighed. 

"I should-"

"Yeah, you should stay and help him get settled."

"You think?" Marissa asked hesitantly.

"I'll see you tonight. We'll catch up and get something to eat." Ryan told her. 

Marissa leaned up and kissed Ryan on the cheek, then smiled at Seth and I before climbing out of the car. I watched as she went to help him and grabbed his arm. Seth glanced at Ryan with a frown. 

"Don't speak, kid has no one." Ryan told him quickly. 

I watched as Marissa helped Johnny into the house and closed the door. 

"And I trust Marissa."


I walked up to Seth and smiled at him as I held a flyer out to him. 

"Brown is having an event tomorrow for prospective students and I thought we could go together." 

"Yeah, that sounds like a date." Seth told me with a smile. 

"Good. Okay, I'll see you at home. Psych class is calling my name."


I walked into the living room with Seth and Ryan. Sandy and a brown haired man who looked to be only a few years older than myself. The two of them were looking at a model which appeared to be of a housing development. 

"Well here's a few kids who know a thing or two about romance. Seth, Ryan, Ally, meet Matt Ramsey."

I shook Matt's hand, and stepped back as Ryan and Seth did.

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