Part 134

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*the next day*

Y/n: ready?

She asked as they were in the car, getting ready to have their maternity photos taken. He nodded and began driving. Y/n was in that stage where she didn't really want to be pregnant anymore. Don't get her wrong, she loved being pregnant, but she was so big and could hardly do stuff. She was uncomfortable at night, even with her pregnancy pillow. Jacob would try to help her but she would get frustrated and push him off. He knew it wasn't him, it was her and her emotions. She's apologized and he always tells her it's okay, because in his eyes, it is. He knows it's not her fault that she can't get comfortable at times. When they arrived, he helped her out of the car, and they headed inside. She walked in a saw a big beige background.

Y/n: wow.. it's beautiful

She smiled.

??: y/n, Jacob! Welcome!

A lady smiled.

Y/n: are you Jessica?

??: yes i am! We have an outfit for both of you in the dressing room right over there

Jacob: great, thank you!

They put y/n in a brown body suit.

They did soft curls, and light makeup

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They did soft curls, and light makeup. For Jacob, they fixed his hair, and put him in jeans and no shirt. But they an extra one for him. She walked out and saw him standing there, waiting for her. When his eyes landed on her, he had the biggest smile on his face.

Jacob: you look so beautiful..

He whispered, kissing her softly.

Y/n: thank you

She smiled big. They did a couple poses together, and she did some separately, and they went to the beach where she changed into another outfit.

They did a couple on the same, and some in the water

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They did a couple on the same, and some in the water. They were going to get their pictures in next week.


Nurse: okay, y/n, one more push and she'll be here

The nurse smiled, but y/n looked at me.

Y/n: I can't..

She whispered. She was in so much pain, she was tired and she was sweating. If I could, I would do it for her. I hate seeing her in pain.

Jacob: you have to do it baby.. im so sorry but one more push and it's over

I wiped her tears away. She placed her hand on my cheek.

Y/n: I can't do it.. please.. don't make me do it

She sobbed.

Jacob: im right here baby, okay? Just one more. You can do it, I know you can. I believe in you. One more and you get to meet her

She smiled softly, and nodded at the nurse. She pushed one last time, and the sound of crying could be heard. I looked down at our daughter, and cried lightly. She was bloody, but she was beautiful. I looked over at y/n. She looked too pale, and she looked at me. Her breathing was slow. Her eyes started closing and opening slowly. She looked at our daughter and smiled. They placed her on y/ns chest, and she lifted her shaky hand, and rested it on her back, holding her close to y/n. She cried as she saw her. I did too. It was a beautiful sight. But that beautiful moment was ruined when the doctor took her off y/n and handed her to a different nurse.

Nurse: y/n! Can you hear me?

She looked at the nurse and back at me. She looked scared.

Nurse: her heart rates slowing! She's losing a lot of blood.

The nurse said, quickly getting things to help her.

Nurse: sir, you need to leave

Jacob: I love you baby.. stay with me okay? Fight for us..

I pressed my forehead against hers.

Nurse: sir

She grabbed my arm, but I yanked it away, putting both my hands on the side of her face.

Jacob: you're strong baby.. you're gonna be okay. I love you so much

I whimpered, kissing her forehead. As I walked away, I turned around and her eyes were rolled back and she was having a seizure. They closed the door and I sat on the floor, sobbing. All of our family came around the corner with smile on their faces but that quickly faded when they saw my red eyes.

Jacob's mom: what happened?

She sat next to me.

Jacob: they don't know if she's... gonna make it

I sobbed into her shoulder. They all came and comforted me the best they could. Soon, the lady came out with a clear cart, with my baby inside.

Jacob: is my wife okay?

Nurse: we're working on her sir.

And she handed me my baby. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I smiled softly, as she studied my face. She had my eyes and y/ns dark brown hair. Soon, the nurse came out again.

Jacob: well?

My mom took my daughter from me as I focused on what the nurse was gonna say.

Nurse: im sorry sir.. she lost too much blood. You can go in there to see her and say your goodbye.

A loud sob left my lips, as I fell to the floor. The love of my life just died. I should've listened when she told me she couldn't do it. She knew. She knew something was gonna happen and I didn't listen.


His eyes shot open, and when he looked over, y/n wasn't next to him.

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