Let Us Begin

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A group of teenagers stood impatiently, chattering in front of grand doors. The headmaster, Dumbledore was to introduce us after his evening lecture before their dinner. In the last hours we have had a tour, general rule explanation, got introduced with teachers, and tested on our skill levels. I was best in potions and defense against the dark arts. My least intelligent subject was transfiguration for sure.

The entire day since the trains I've received hasty glares from the bad attitude boy 'Theo'. I assume he wasn't used to being stood up against, or perhaps he was just a sour person. Like we need any more of those in the world. Ugh.

Too bad his looks are wasted on a unfortunate personality. If he kept giving me the nasty looks I'd have to do something about it, I wasn't one to care much but his hateful gaze made my skin crawl.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around me and a hand covered my mouth. I threw back my head and heard a satisfying crunch, loosening the grip of the attacker. The person cursed and I spun around to face him. "Vance?!"

"Nice to see you too cousin. Ow." He winced, barely touching his dislocated nostrils. Red ran down from them and slowly dropped to the flooring. Jeremiah walked his way over from a group of boys he started talking to earlier.

"Isn't it the devil himself." He chuckles and 'bro hugs' our freshly injured family.

"I see your sister hasn't changed Jeremy. Last visit she fractured my arm!"

"That she has not, the girl is bound to stay looking for mischief." Again a chuckle then he retrieves his wand and resets Vance's nose. "Where have you been all day dude?"

"I was running a tad late this morning and missed the express." Vance says causally and shrugs. Before we can start to talk more, there's an interruption.

"Ready yourselves, it shall be any minute now." The lady professor with a pointy hat announced to us all, she looked between my brother, cousin, and I. "Was there a problem here?" Referring to the small drips of blood on the hardwood floor.

"Not at all miss." Remy says with fake innocence, teachers pet. He clapped Vance on the back and gave a charming grin. While anyone else would not have bought his act due to the obvious evidence, the mistress excused it and smiled before walking away. My brother smirked in victory, causing me to roll my eyes. Out of the corner I see scar kid staring at me, "keep rolling your eyes and they'll be stuck at the back of your head."

"Keep glaring and you'll be stuck that way forever."

"What's your name girl?" He sneers.

"Briar Beckett."

"That's not your name." Theo pushed off the wall he was leaning against and approached me slowly. Like a hunter to it's prey. He tried, but he failed to intimidate me. Jeremy gave me a look but I nodded and he took it as a 'I can handle myself' and backed off. Although he spaced out a little, I felt the gaze of him and Vance to make sure I would remain okay. He should know me by now.

"It's the one printed on the birth certificate my mother received in the room after bringing me into this fucked up world."

"Keep the attitude up and you'll regret it."

"Why would I listen to you? A stuck up aura and bad attitude, you must be a bully. My father taught me there's only one way to communicate with a bully."

"And what was his advice?" That was the last words before his head turned, and cheek went red. My fist was clenched and hurt very slightly at the impact with his cheekbone but I didn't budge. That was until Jeremiah and Vance ushered me away as the doors opened.

Moments later we were all lead down the aisle in the midst of hundreds of students, seated at four long tables staring at the newcomers. Whispers, murmers and various expressions went around the room like a wave.

"Before you will be taking a seat you will be sorted into your houses. First up, Nevaeh Amarilla, year six."

A tall brunette walked up to the platform and sat on the wooden stool. The hat the professor held was placed lightly onto her head and nearly immediately it said, "Hufflepuff!" Applause came from the right side of the room and she quickly went over to a empty seat, welcomed by the others at the table.

"Jeremiah Beckett, year seven." The same happened except the person being sorted was now my brother. "Gryffindor!"

I clapped for him as he grinned and approached the table cheering the loudest. Time stopped when I heard my name, "Rayne Beckett, year five." Okay, breath.

One foot in front of another, I reached the stool and spun to sit on it. Once I did, the dusty old hat was lowered and started it's decision. How does this thing even know where we belong? Does it look into our soul from the top of our heads?

"Doubting my decisions I see Miss Beckett." Oh shoot. "Not very trusting. Likes to be independent instead of relying on others, learned to be alone from a young age." Seriously hat? Tell more of my life story to all these people would you? You didn't do that to my brother, so why me? "Clever, and quite a trickster, yet competitive and a bold leader. Much more difficult than your brother. Hmm... slytherin!"


A few people later, Vance was up. The blonde sauntered up the stairs and sat with a confident grin on the seat. "Mischievous I see, same as your cousin was earlier. Daredevil, adventurous but acts irrationally. Slytherin!"

As he walks over, three others follow him even though they were not sorted yet. Scar boy and his entourage. "Scoot over Beckett." He demanded.

"Who are you to demand things?"

"The guy who you seem to really want to piss off more and more." He leans closer to me with raging eyes. Our faces were inches apart, but instead of the romantic gaze in a corny chick flick or novel, we glared with pure hatred.

"You haven't been sorted yet dude, just go back." A random Slytherin speaks up. Theo's head snaps towards the boy who spoke up, and in my head the small child in me celebrates our staring contest victory.

"Keep your attention to yourself Zabini." He sneers.

"And who might you be?" Before he could be answered, a certain gloomy professor saunters over to the commotion.

"Mr Riddle I see you've succeeded in already causing a disturbance." I froze, Riddle? No. No no this can't be happening. Many other students froze in shock as well.

"Snape this girl will not allow me to sit down." Theo makes a extra disguisted pronounciation of the word girl. I roll my eyes once again at his behavior.

"Miss Beckett, correct?" The eery professor turns to me.

"Yes sir."

"Please allow Mr Riddle and his friends to sit."

"I would sir it is only they were not sorted yet like the rest of the newcomers." I explain my reasoning so I don't look troublesome, yet.

"Is that the way you speak to your superiors girl?" Riddle says, looking at me again and making eye contact.

"I can tell the two of you are going to get along quite well." Snape remarks sarcastically. "Miss Beckett these boys were privately sorted. So if you'd be so kind and move down slightly. You as well Mr Homern." He looks at my cousin who for the first time had remained silent.

We glance at one another and give in, scooching down to make room. Riddle and one of his posse sits directly beside me and the other sits across next to an uncomfortable looking girl.

I shoot her a sympathetic smile before refocusing on the ceremony in the front. A finger jabs my thigh harshly making me hiss at the sudden pain. Then a voice in my head comes to me, watch your back, Beckett.

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