Hands Off

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Jeremiah and I waited in the train cabin, sitting in silence as we passed various landscapes. It was soothing yet nerve racking, we were out of one hell, what if this was just another one. The guilt of leaving mother alone with father when his rage is escalating everyday consumes me while we sit in utter silence.

There was no escape, I've officially come to terms with it. I was deemed to living under restrictions my entire life. Waylynn and and Vance had arrived yesterday night at Hogwarts with another group of children, they were waiting for our arrival this morning so the lot of us could be introduced. Well, Waylynn already attends, but Vance will be introduced with us. Anyway Lynn had filled me in on the protocols and general information about Hogwarts. There were four houses of students with different personalities, a lion, snake, bird and capybara thingy. She was in what they called the Ravenclaw house.

By the descriptions she gave me, the snakes, known as Slytherins, (super creative right), were the trouble makers, the bullies. Very stereotypical. Also the Gryffindors were the somewhat normal people, Ravenclaws were intelligent and Hufflepuffs were the goody two shoes/kindests.

I hope to be a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. By no chance am I going to be accepted in Hufflepuff, like literally zero percent chance, and Slytherins just have bad reputations. I want to have a low profile the first year I attend this school, that shouldn't be too difficult.

"You're nervous." Jeremiah says without looking at me. His eyes look out the window at the scenery passing by.

"No I'm not. Just thinking."

"You're bouncing your leg Rayne, that means your anxious."

"Or I could just be bored." He sighs at my stubbornness, but I was feeling particularly feisty today since I got less sleep than I would've liked. "You know what if we really did meet the chosen one?"

"That would be cool, why are you suddenly interested in Potter?" Jeremy looked to me finally with curiosity.

"Oh you know..." I redirected my attention back to a book in my lap, looking at it like it's the most interesting thing ever. The thing was, he didn't fall for it.

"Thorn, no."

"What I didn't say anything."

"You're trying to rebel against dad. Stop."

"Who says that?"

"I've known you your entire life Rayne, you'd do pretty much anything to irritate him. It's like your mission in life, and it's gonna get you hurt."

"I'm not easily scared, especially not by a coward such as him." We make eye contact and hold it for a moment.

"Please just don't get into trouble."

"Remy, you know me better than that. Also, yolo, live a little. A little trouble hasn't killed me yet."

"Says the girl who I had to rescue from some vengeful boys you wanted to prank."

"That was in second grade, I was eight." I point out my troublesome persona that happened back when attending muggle school for years prior to the wizardry schools who only accepted students starting the age of ten or eleven.

"You haven't changed a bit." He smirks and I roll my eyes. We go back into a comfortable silence and a few minutes later the train comes to a hault.

"Students get off the train!" Someone yells down the hallway. Jeremiah and I lift from our seats and grab our belongings. Together we exit our compartment and join a group of four other children outside, three boys and a girl A extremely large bearded man is standing in front when we come up. He has worn clothing and a tangled beard but he wore a friendly expression.

"Welcome youngsters. We'll be on our way now, let's go." He suggested us to follow him as he set off down a pathway. Three boys were right behind us as well as a girl as we walked along. "Hagrid's the name. I'm your tour guide so I'll tell you a bit about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." The man starts to talk but I can barely hear him as he goes on about the rules and expectations. Now I wasn't particularly interested but the jibberish of those behind me annoyed the heck out of me.

So, I stopped and turned around quickly, "sorry to crush the fun boys but some of us actually want to hear the guide, not you."

The one in the middle with dark curls and a scar across his cheek cocks an eyebrow and looks from his partners to me with a arrogant grin. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, are we offending you?" He takes a step closer to attempt to intimidate me but I stand my ground, in fact I get close and cup his face with my hand. It catches him and his entourage off gaurd. I lean in until our lips are breathing warm air onto each other's.

"It should take a lot more than a babyface like this to offend me."

Finally the shocked boy regained his posture and swatted my hand away, becoming a slight red shade in the face. His goons chuckled and received a nasty glare. I turned to continue our path since my brother was long ahead, not noticing I started something five minutes into our arrival.

Oh well.

As I went to step away, my wrist was held and I glanced at the person who thought they'd live after touching me.

"Don't you know who I am?" He sneered.

"No and to be honest I really do not care. Now, let go." I said emotionlessly.

"Why would I do that?"

"Get your hand off my wrist before I punch you in the lips. Seriously take a hint." I add the last part as a mumble. His eyes fill with fury and grip tightens, damn he's sensitive.

"Theo (tay-oh) just her go." One of his friends speaks up, trying to place a hand on his shoulder.

"We aren't done." 'Theo' grumbles. "Enzo, Theodore, let's go. Now." He releases his hand and finally the blood flow starts again. In that short time, his harsh hand cut off my circulation and my fingers were tingling. The one who attempted to rid him of me gave me a nod and walked off with Mr Grumpy.

"Yes we are." I whisper to myself and speed up, walking past them, not slowing my pace until I reach my brother.

"Don't think I didn't hear that." He keeps his eyes ahead but firmly tells me.

"Wouldn't even imagine. You have super brother hearing or something. Never seems to fail unfortunately."

"If he would've swung on you-"

"He didn't."

"If he would've, the kid wouldn't make it to the castle. He'd be six feet under behind a tree." I laugh and shake my head.

"Overprotective brother is back yet again."

"If you'd stop getting into trouble maybe I wouldn't have to be that way." He points out.


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