Part 3: Second chances; Chapter 141: A little quality time

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When Jin and Ryu arrived at the park, true enough they found their sister asleep at the bench.

"Ivy Ophal Ai Lee! What on earth are you doing here like a beggar?!" Ryu scolded as Jin helped Ivy who was startled to sit up. She was rubbing her tired eyes trying to stay awake.

"Are you alright? Are you injured? Had they done anything to you? Where is Jeremy?" Jin questioned while inspecting Ivy's arms and face as well as her legs to find no injuries.

"Why aren't you home? Handing over doesn't mean you have no house Ivy! Didn't you say you had backups? Aren't you dating Jeremy for real? Where is he? Didn't you say you could handle the cash flow?! Ivy, say something!" Ryu scolded as Ivy rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance.

"Can't you just let me sleep in peace for a few hours? I have been working the whole night..." Ivy mumbled with her eyes closed before trying to lay back down on the bench only to be pulled off the bench.

"You come home with us now!" Ryu forcefully made her obliged only for her to swing her arms off his grip.

"Leave me alone. What I said before about the backups and security whatsoever is still valid. Don't worry. Everything is under control... Head back to school as usual and take good care of your girlfriends. I will ensure everything is in order at my end. At the very least you could help is to protect your loved ones." Ivy said solemnly before storming off in agitation from being rudely awakened by her brothers.

"Where are you going?" Jin chased after her and held her arm before asking her gently but in a worried tone.

Ivy smiled knowing their worries. "Home... I promise you I will stay safe." She assured him before Jin let her go reluctantly.

Despite her assurance to her brothers, she was in great doubt in her mind. She had no idea where she could go to be alone for a moment and that was when the top-floor office crossed her mind. She had the access card and there was a bed there. It fitted perfectly to her sleeping plans as she switched back on her mobile and muted it before having a good sleep peacefully.

Because there was always an active CCTV system in place, Real detected movements and was glad to see Ivy was the one hiding there. "What's with that smile?" Chiang asked as Real showed him the footage.

"Should we tell the boss?" Chiang asked as Real pondered meaningfully before looking at Jeremy's room direction and walking over. Upon learning about it, Jeremy wanted to instantly head there but knew she must have been tired for the whole early morning. "Let her rest there. I will head there later. I need to stay to see what chaos she left for all of them."

Kyle proudly walked into the office that morning and took his seat in Peter's office directly. He was still hoping to be able to see Ivy opposite from his room that morning as he went through piles of documents in preparation for the IPO. He read the documents earnestly till past lunch with the motivation of being able to see Ivy.

He pressed on his office phone and spoke to his newly assigned secretary enquiring about Ivy. When he finally learned that she and Marcel would not be stepping in anymore into the office as they had officially resigned, he was furious. He instantly contacted his minions to search for Ivy. Little did he know, she was in the same building as him, resting on a different floor.

Despite being anxious, Kyle persevered with the problems he was served by the newly hired professionals to assist him with the handover. It was all part of Ivy's plans to get back at him but she had never expected him to give up so soon.

Kyle raged on the ride to meet Charles in his office who was in discussion with Ray while Jeremy listened in.

"Ah, so your father's real estate business had always been the backbone. Looks like we need to find more money then..." Charles said while Ray explained to him the business proposal. Jeremy knew it was his cue to influence Charles' decision.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now