Shadows of Doubt

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Silas's POV

I caught sight of the mysterious girl again, this time at the beach. It's as if fate keeps intertwining our paths, leading me to her presence wherever I go. The cafe, the park, the bustling streets, and now here, at the lighthouse. Even today, she looks captivating, her figure illuminated by the fading light of the sun, whispering softly to her small companion, Shadow. A gentle smile graces her lips as she feeds Shadow something she surely isn't supposed to feed a kitten.

"Oh, princess..." I murmur in a playful tone, unable to resist the urge to engage with her, even from a distance.

As I close the distance between us, a mischievous impulse overtakes me. With a quick step, I reach out from behind her and call out, "BOO!"

Her startled shriek fills the air as she whirls around, ready to defend herself. But before she can react further, I catch her hands in mine, halting her movements.

"Easy there, princess," I tease, a playful grin spreading across my face. "Royalty don't do anger," I add with a chuckle, noticing the faint blush that colors her cheeks.

Her hands slip from mine, and she averts her gaze, her cheeks now tinged with a deeper shade of pink.

"Aww, did I offend the royal princess?" I continue, my tone light and teasing. "Maybe I should come back with a peace treaty," I suggest, my voice softening as I watch her reaction. Each word seems to deepen the blush coloring her cheeks, but she doesn't respond, her silence adding to the playful tension between us.

"Shut up, weirdo," she mumbles, but her flushed cheeks betray her true feelings. Absentmindedly, she strokes Shadow, her actions speaking louder than her words. I take a seat beside her, enjoying the playful banter.

"The sunset here is pretty amazing," I whisper, deliberately trying to make her more flustered. A sense of satisfaction washes over me every time her cheeks flush deeper.

"Yeah, pretty," she replies, her words cutting short as if she's lost in thought.

I turn towards her, noticing her furrowed eyebrows and glistening eyes, on the verge of tears. Panic grips me—I never intended to make her cry.

"Hey, princess," I say, cupping her face gently in my hands. "Don't cry. I'm just playing with you."

She snuffles and chuckles softly. "I know that, blue eyes."

Relieved, I let go of her face, and she points ahead of us. When I follow her gaze, I see a family, all smiles and taking photos.

"That's making you cry?" I ask, puzzled.

She rolls her eyes at me. "I swear to God, guys are idiots. It's such a wholesome moment, obviously I got sentimental."

I gasp, bringing back my playful demeanor. "Your Highness, you shouldn't roll your eyes. What if you find a brain there? What will people say?"

"Oh, Silas," her voice softens as my name slips off her tongue, sounding like heaven. "People don't dare talk about their princess."

I take Shadow from her, earning a soft protest from her.

"Hey, Prince of Darkness," I address Shadow, glancing at her from the corner of my eye. I scoot a little closer to her, continuing to speak, but directing my attention more to Shadow than to her.

Before I can say anything else, she snatches Shadow from me and dashes away. I try to follow her, but the smart girl disappears into a sea of people. I lose sight of her, and that leaves me wondering what I did wrong.

I decide it's better if I go to the studio, and that's exactly what I do. Stepping into the eerie darkness of my studio, I flick on the light switch and take a seat. I grab my guitar, tuning it softly before starting to strum a gentle melody.

"In the quiet of the night, she moves like a shadow,
A mystery wrapped in whispers, where does she go?
With eyes that hold secrets, a smile that hides the truth,
I'm drawn to her allure, like a moth to a flame.

Oh, my mysterious girl, a puzzle I can't solve,
In her silent gaze, mysteries revolve.
I'm lost in her riddles, caught in her spell,
Curiosity consumes me, only time will tell.

She walks through the streets, like a ghost in the mist,
Leaving traces of questions, in the whispers she kissed.
With every fleeting glance, I yearn to unravel her tale,
But she disappears like smoke, leaving behind a trail.

Oh, my mysterious girl, a puzzle I can't solve,
In her silent gaze, mysteries revolve.
I'm lost in her riddles, caught in her spell,
Curiosity consumes me, only time will tell.

In the depths of the night,
I search for her trace,
In the echoes of her silence, I find my place.
Though she eludes my grasp, I won't give up the chase,
For in her mystery lies the allure of grace.

Oh, my mysterious girl, a puzzle I can't solve,
In her silent gaze, mysteries revolve.
I'm lost in her riddles, caught in her spell,
Curiosity consumes me, only time will tell."

I open my eyes, quickly grabbing a pen and paper to jot down the words I just sang. They were inspired by my recent encounter with the mysterious girl. Her enigmatic presence fills my thoughts as I sit and transcribe the lyrics from memory.

Ria's Pov

'I only loved you for your money, now that you don't have any... I don't love you anymore'
'You were never worthy to be my friend, but you had the money. I don't need you now, get your broke ass out of here'

These lines keep replaying in my mind as I navigate through the streets, Shadow safe in my hoodie pocket. I reach my aunt's house and rush into my room.

Silas was getting too close. He's trying to lure me into his circle so he can use me. No, I need to set boundaries. He's not allowed near Shadow anymore. I won't be calling him 'blue eyes', anything to protect the scattered pieces of what I called my heart.

I fall onto my bed, tears streaming down my face. My mind races, scrambling to find ways to avoid Silas, but he seems to be everywhere. The café, the park, and now even the place where I find peace—the lighthouse. 

Thinking of all the ways he can hurt me, I eventually drift off to sleep, comforted by the soft mewls of Shadow.

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