♡°~10. I AM CONFUSE ~°♡

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Then he came closer to my face. like so so close to my face that our breathe were mixing. He placed his left hand on my right cheek

Then he whipped ice-cream from my lips with his thumb slowly, very slowly.

He was looking at My lips then eyes then lips then eyes and then again lips.

He wiped it. Then looked at me. For some seconds.

Then he slowly licked that thumb directly looking into my soul though his eyes which was giving chills down my spine.

He licked his thumb and I gulped.

He smirked

Then he sit straight on his sit and  started driving.

he didn't said anything during the drive and same goes to me.

We reached at my home. I came out of the car then he also came.

"Which concealer do you use?" He asked suddenly


"That mark is not looking at all" he said looking at my mole which was on my neck

Then I got it what he was talking about.

"Firstly that is why I asked who do those things which you did at our first meet and secondly it's none of your business!" I said and started walking

He stopped me by pulling me towards him by my waist.

"What is your problem why you always touch me!? can't you live without touching me!?" I asked getting frustrated

"No." He said without any hint of hesitation

"You know what you are actually shameless" I said After him

"I know" he said

"Now leave me I have to go" I said trying to make him leave me

"First answer my question" he said

"Do you really want to know the name of the concealer!? Like seriously!!?" I asked him

"No, I will get to know this in future anyways." He said

"I want to ask you that did you agree for Marriage because of my threat or by your own?" He continued looking at my eyes hopefully

'I myself don't know that what is happening with me why I agreed for Marriage. because no one can force me for anything for sure. but do I really want to marry him by my own. No! I guess I am agreeing because of the threat. Yes! Because of the threat' I thought

While I was thinking looking at his face he also wait for my answer patiently.

"Yes, I agreed for the marriage because of the threat." I said without maintaining eyes contact.

For some seconds he didn't said anything nor do I.

He was just looking at me head and I was looking at his shirt.

He exhaled a long breath as if he was holding it form long time.

"Okay." He said and removed his hands from my waist.

Then he went and Stand infront of his car with his hand in his pockets still looking at me.

I turned around and started walking without looking back I was walking and walking and walking but when the door was just one step away from me I stopped and after 4-6 seconds I turned.

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