Chapter 16: He was lost and now is found

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ARTWORK: Ship At Quayside by Henry Redmore 

The cool waters of Seaside Alchov glittered like sprinkled topaz as the burnt gally ship limped into harbor, smelling of acrid smoke.

Eddipus stood atop the crow's nest, the salty spray misting his boyish face, his thoughts adrift on the manic sea. "Wandering minds drift wild across these old waters," he mused, his voice a melancholy lilt.

Val stood with him, firm and unyielding as he placed a weighted hand on Eddipus' shoulder, the bow strapped to him thunking against his back.

"Keep your edge, Eddipus. The Crystal Sea can wait. We've been trailing her for some time. Need you alert... razor-focused."

A wistful smile tugged at the corners of Eddipus' mouth. "Worry not, old friend. The whisper of the sea only sharpens my focus, stoking the flames of my resolve."

On deck, Raven's voice rang clear. The second ruling force of Alchov, assessed her eclectic band. A modest assembly of men hailing from Silent Harbor Island, a mere fifty in number, stood rigid in anticipation. Her voice rang clear, "Temper your weaknesses, for our unity is our weapon against Cardamon." She echoed the command with authority that was both regal and resolute.

Nearby, Kalia, as graceful as a willow in the wind, drifted towards Isaak behind the ship's wheel. Her movements were captivating in her exotic dance.

"There's a rhythm to battle and dance alike, isn't there?" she mused, her voice laced with melancholy undercurrents. A smile tugged at her lips, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Isaak's gaze softened as he watched her, his admiration for her clear. With a roguish grin, he replied. "Your dance has always disarmed me. It'll surely bewitch those on the battlefield."

With a gaze as deep as the ocean, Daaubond observed the flurry of interactions unfolding on the ship. Her eyes, unblinking, were lit by an inner fire that mirrored her untamed spirit. Yet even that spirit was fearful of the coming storm. The cold gnawed at her skin and she defied the harsh elements. Draped in layers of protective clothing, each piece wrapped with precision held tight against her body, shielding her from the biting chill. A sense of purpose radiated from Daaubond like heat from a flame. Even when still, there was an energy about her - an anticipation born from the journey she embarked upon within the safety of her companions. Amidst the chaos of the ship's deck, she watched, waiting, ever ready for what was to come next.

Vaulurou, ever the flirt, sauntered past a few of the more brawnier seamen. Her lips curved into a teasing smile. However, beneath the veneer of flirtation, her heart pounded an uncertain rhythm against her breast. The gaiety she radiated was a masterful facade, concealing the tremors of the anxiety she felt.

As the gally nestled into the dock, Eddipus' heart thrummed a rhythm that echoed the impending storm of conflict. His stance was relaxed yet alert, mirroring the poised readiness of a seasoned warrior. His gaze trailed over the scene before him, as nimble and curious as a starling. It landed with unerring precision on an elve, her beauty accentuated by a single cloth covering one eye. His fingers twitched subtly at his side. A taut bond seemed to draw him towards her. Yet one question lingered in his mind, a melody he couldn't place, and he thought. 'Who is she?'


Priestess Hilda of the High Groves looked up, squinting. 'Who's that boy?' she thought, standing on the crow's nest looking down.

The sight stirred echoes within her, the boy, youthful yet battle-hardened, waved down at her. Her smile was brief. A fleeting ghost flew across her memory before it vanished. She wanted to chase it, to catch the fleeting memory before it vanished once again.

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