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In the glade where shadows play,
There hops a bunny, dusk's own ray.
With fur of black, a cloak so deep,
She dreams of solace, fears that creep.

Once, she had a friend so near,
A fellow creature, bond sincere.
But trust was shattered, cloaked in lies,
Captured in frames, her spirit's cries.

The friend, a fox, with cunning snare,
Held her captive, unaware.
With every click, a piece was taken,
A bunny's heart, left torn, forsaken.

Now, in the night, her fears arise,
A timid heart, seeking disguise.
She flinches at rustles, shies from touch,
The world’s embrace, it hurts too much.

Confusion clouds her longing gaze,
For youth was tainted, darkened days.
Yet still she wishes, though shadows blend,
For days unbroken, a chance to mend.

Her fur of black, a silent plea,
A bunny lost, yearning to be free.
In twilight's haze, she seeks to find,
A path to heal, a peace of mind.

For though the past is etched with scars,
She hopes for light beyond the stars.
In each small hop, a step to reclaim,
A life once marred, to cast off shame.

Poetry: The Bunny's Transformation  Where stories live. Discover now