Chapter 11 - Conduct

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Gabriel stared out of the carriage window, in disbelief. The young woman finding it hard to believe that people could live in a place live the palace that they were steadily moving closer to. It was true that her father and grandfather had told her about what it was like in such places; the grandeur and opulence that could be found in every last corner. Of how the lord and ladies, kings and queens appeared as they made their way through the lavish halls. Yet nothing......nothing that had been described to her, had prepared her for the sight in front of her. Gabriel only able to wonder that if the outside of the buildings and the gardens were taking her breath away, what the inside of the magnificent structure, might make her feel.

"Are you ready........?" A voice suddenly enquired. It not just Gabriel that was surprised to see that the question had come from the usually deathly silent Athos.


"Do you know what is expected of you...........?" Athos continued, as he drew his fingers across the brim of his hat, that sat in his lap. Gabriel a little annoyed that he couldn't even bring himself to look at her when he spoke; but as the others gave her a reassuring smile, she decided to just ignore that fact. It feeling that he had taken a large step in just speaking to her. So, she would just have to accept that this was the walk before the run.

"Yes. Captain Treville told me what to do............"

"And I already warned him about the ladies of the palace, especially Isabella. Though if our young Fontin disappears at any point, I know of one or two rooms that we might find him in." Porthos chuckled, as he placed his arm around Gabriel's shoulder.

"It is not funny, Porthos. Fontin is not just representing himself, but the rest of us too. Young men like he and d'Artagnan are the future of the Musketeers." Athos shot back. Porthos slowly removing his arm from around Gabriel's shoulder as his friend looked at him. It obvious that Athos wasn't amused by anything that had been said.

"You.........." Athos continued firmly, as he leant over and looked Gabriel dead in the eye.

"Will stay by my side. You will not speak unless you are spoken to. You will not act unless directed to do so. And you will keep your mind on the matter at hand. You are here to be introduced to the king, not bother yourself with the pretty faces at the court. Do you understand, Fontin...........?" Gabriel only able to nod in agreement. Athos making it obvious that there was no room for argument; not that she would argue anyway. She knew what something like this meant; and given that it felt that her father and grandfather would be watching her from heaven, she had no intention of letting them down, nor of bringing the reputation of the Musketeers into disrepute. Though she did have to admit that she felt like chuckling after his warning about being distracted by pretty faces. A part of her wishing that she could tell Athos that that was the last thing that he had to be worried about, as far as she was concerned. That perhaps he should be giving that warning, to the other men in the coach........particularly Porthos; especially when it came to this fabled Isabella.


Porthos, Aramis and d'Artagnan looked at one another as Athos spoke to Gabriel. To begin with, they were surprised that their friend had said anything to the young Fontin, given that it didn't seem that he had even so much as looked at Gabriel in weeks; but to now break his silence and talk to him like this........they couldn't understand.

Since joining them, Gabriel had been nothing but respectful. He had proved that he knew exactly how to act and conduct himself; that he knew what was expected of a Musketeer. It obvious that his father and grandfather had instilled discipline in the young man, from an early age. So why Athos felt the need to speak to Gabriel like he was an unruly child after all that he had already done; after he continued to prove himself. Why he felt the need to treat him in such a fashion when he had never been like this with d'Artagnan, or why he would say that Gabriel deserved better than him; none of them could still understand. But they had to suppose that Athos was at least trying; that perhaps this was a first step in him not being so cold and distant with the young Fontin; to him coming back and helping Aramis and Porthos with the boys training. Yet they had no more time to think of such things, as the carriage finally came to a halt. Porthos reaching over and opening the carriage door before jumping down from the landeau; the crunch of small stones ringing out as his feet landed on the ground. It only getting louder, as the others followed him. The big man finally turning and looking to Gabriel who was nervously fiddling with the hat in his hands.

"You'll be fine." Porthos assured. Giving Gabriel one of his usual broad smiles, before he took the hat from the young Fontin's hand and placed it on his head.

"Now, lets go and introduce you to the King........." Porthos continued. He, Athos, Aramis and d'Artagnan leading the way, with Gabriel quickly following behind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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