Part 35 Vaccine Test

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When we were crossing the corridor, we saw medical staff who had been turned into zombies. Their lifeless eyes and shambling gait filled me with a profound sense of sorrow. These were once dedicated professionals, now reduced to mindless creatures. "Sarah, I have an idea. Why don't we first test this vaccine on the zombies?" I suggested.

"Why?" she asked, curiosity piqued but cautious.

"We can call our friends here and see if the vaccine works on them first before using it on ourselves," I explained.

After a moment of consideration, Sarah agreed. We carefully scouted for a lone zombie to minimize the risk. We found one in a small room, isolated from the others. As we entered, the zombie rushed towards us, its eyes filled with a primal hunger. But before it could attack, Sarah and I managed to pin it down.

"Hold him steady," Sarah instructed as she readied the vaccine. With a swift motion, she injected the red liquid into the zombie's arm. It let out a horrible, guttural cry and collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain. We stepped back, watching intently for any sign of change. Minutes passed, but there was no transformation. The creature remained as it was, lifeless and monstrous.

"Maybe the vaccine needs more time to work," I suggested, trying to stay optimistic. "Let's try it on another one, perhaps a woman."

We continued our search and soon found a lone female zombie in another room, wearing a lab coat that hinted at her former life as a scientist. We approached cautiously. I moved to her front, while Sarah circled to her back. With a coordinated effort, we subdued her, securing her to a chair.

The zombie woman thrashed violently, her eyes wild with madness. We restrained her arms and legs, ensuring she couldn't break free. Sarah filled another syringe with the vaccine and injected it into the woman's neck. The reaction was immediate and intense. She screamed, a piercing sound that echoed through the room, then her head slumped forward.

We waited with bated breath, hoping to see any sign of her returning to her human form. But after several agonizing minutes, it became clear that she was not changing. Her body remained still, the vacant look in her eyes unchanged. Disappointment washed over us.

"We need to keep trying," I said, though doubt was beginning to creep into my mind. We moved on to test the vaccine on zombies of different backgrounds and appearances, hoping that perhaps it would work on one specific type. But each attempt ended in the same way: the zombies would scream, collapse, and remain unchanged.

The reality of our situation began to sink in. The vaccine, which we had pinned so much hope on, was not the miraculous cure we had anticipated. Each failed test was a blow to our morale, and the weight of our mission felt heavier with every passing minute.

Exhausted and disheartened, we sat down to reassess our approach. "Maybe the vaccine isn't meant to reverse the zombification," Sarah mused. "Perhaps it's meant to prevent it."

Her words sparked a new line of thinking. "You're right. We might be using it wrong. We need to rethink our strategy and perhaps consult with our friends who have more expertise in this area."

We gathered our supplies and prepared to leave, determined to find a solution. The failure of our tests had not broken our resolve; it had only strengthened our determination to save humanity. With the vaccines in hand and a renewed sense of purpose, we set off to find our friends, ready to tackle the next challenge together.

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