Part 50: Search Operation

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We searched everywhere Emily might be, but there was no sign of her. Captain Lee, with a furrowed brow, voiced what many of us were thinking, "I have doubts about the crow men. They were ahead of us." His gaze was intense as he continued, "We will fight them." We all nodded in agreement, feeling the weight of the situation settle heavily on our shoulders.

Just then, Mother Miranda interrupted our resolve. Her eyes narrowed as she listened intently. "I hear the sound of water," she announced, her voice calm but certain. She pointed towards a wooden cupboard, "From here." Rising from her seat, she gestured for me to accompany her. I gripped my pistol tightly, ready for anything.

As we approached, a realization dawned on me. "Maybe, Mother Miranda, this is not a cupboard but a door," I suggested, observing the structure more closely. With a gentle push, the sliding door revealed a hidden passage. My hunch had been correct. A narrow corridor stretched before us, and the sound of water grew louder with each step.

We followed the corridor until it opened up to a swimming pool. The water was crystal clear, and the sound we had been hearing was the gentle ripple of the water against the pool's edge. The area seemed deserted, but the persistent sound indicated otherwise. Someone was hiding beneath the surface.

Suddenly, Emily's head broke through the water, gasping for air. Her appearance startled us, and a mixture of relief and frustration washed over me. "What are you doing, Emily?" Mother Miranda's voice was sharp, tinged with a controlled anger that made Emily flinch.

"I found it," Emily replied, her tone defensive. "The water is clean." She began to swim leisurely, a carefree smile on her face as if unaware of the tension her disappearance had caused.

Mother Miranda's patience was wearing thin. "Emily, do not act like a child. Come out of the water and change your dress," she ordered, her tone brooking no argument. Emily's smile faded, and she reluctantly obeyed, climbing out of the pool and wrapping herself in a towel.

As we walked back to the main room, Emily dripping water with every step, Captain Lee was waiting for us. His eyes flicked first to Emily, then to Mother Miranda, but he remained silent. The unspoken question hung in the air: what had Emily been thinking, disappearing like that?

Emily, now dressed in dry clothes, looked around sheepishly. "I'm sorry," she murmured, avoiding eye contact. "I just... I thought maybe the clean water meant something. Like a sign or a clue."

Captain Lee finally spoke, his voice steady but firm. "We understand your curiosity, Emily, but you must stay with the group. It's dangerous to wander off alone, especially with the crow men around."

Emily nodded, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I won't do it again," she promised, glancing at each of us in turn to show she meant it.

Mother Miranda softened slightly, placing a hand on Emily's shoulder. "We need to stay focused and work together. We'll figure this out, but only if we stay united."

The tension in the air was palpable as we continued our mission. Each of us was on high alert, ready for whatever came next. The sound of water still echoed faintly in the back of my mind, a reminder of how easily distractions could lead us astray. But with renewed resolve, we pressed on, united in our purpose and prepared to face the challenges ahead.

Survival Episode 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant