Part 37 Laboratory Have Smashed

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We were in hot pursuit of Emily when suddenly, Captain Lee and his soldiers appeared, blocking our path. His stern expression revealed his frustration. "Where is Emily?" he demanded, his voice edged with urgency.

"She's gone, and she took the vaccine with her," I replied, trying to catch my breath.

"This is bad," Captain Lee remarked, shaking his head. "We were trying to help her, but she sees us as enemies," Sarah added, her voice tinged with frustration.

"What exactly was your plan?" Captain Lee asked, scrutinizing us closely.

"We know that Emily is the sister of the Queen and the daughter of Mother Miranda," Sarah explained. "We were trying to help her and found the vaccine for the Queen."

I continued, "We thought we were doing the right thing, helping Emily by securing the vaccine."

Captain Lee sighed heavily. "You don't understand Emily. She doesn't want the Queen to regain her health."

"Why not?" Sarah asked, clearly surprised by this revelation.

"Emily fears that if the Queen becomes human again, she won't be able to defend herself against her enemies. In her current state, the Queen is more powerful and untouchable. Emily believes that her enemies would kill her if she were vulnerable," Captain Lee explained.

"Oh no! We thought we were helping Emily," Sarah said, her voice filled with regret. "Where is she now?" Captain Lee asked.

"She ran away with the bag of vaccine," I replied, feeling the weight of our failure.

Captain Lee's face darkened with concern. "I fear she will destroy the vaccine."

"We can get more from the laboratory," I suggested, trying to find a glimmer of hope.

"The laboratory has been destroyed," Captain Lee said grimly. "When you retrieved the vaccine, an automatic self-destruct system was triggered. The lab is gone."

A heavy silence fell over us as we absorbed this devastating news. The one place where we could have created more vaccine was obliterated. "We had no idea. We thought we were doing the right thing," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Captain Lee placed a hand on my shoulder. "You did what you thought was best. Now, we must find Emily and retrieve that vaccine before it's too late."

"We have to stop her," Sarah said, determination hardening her voice.

"Agreed," Captain Lee said. "We can't let the only chance we have slip through our fingers."

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