Chapter 17- Storm Brewing

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Late August, 2055

On August 20th, a tropical wave moved offshore from the coast of Africa. It began traveling across the Atlantic Ocean. On August 23rd, Tropical depression 4L was designated. Alex was watching closely as this storm was expected to strengthen.

On the 25th, Tropical Storm Dick formed. It passed just west of the Yucatán Peninsula and caused minor damage there and then passed into the Gulf of Mexico. Where it encountered abnormally warm sea surface temperatures. On the 26th it became a hurricane.

Overnight on the 27th, Dick rapidly intensified into a monster Category 4 hurricane. But it wasn't done.

It hit a patch of 100 degree temperatures and proceeded to become the most powerful hurricane on record, with winds of 220 miles per hour and a lowest sustained pressure of 869 Mbar. Both setting the record for the most powerful tropical cyclone recorded in the world.

Alex now was really paying attention. The whole of Louisiana was ordered to evacuate. But there wasn't enough time. Massive traffic jams crowded the highways.

Thankfully it weakened a tiny bit to 195 mph before landfall and a pressure of 889 Mbar.... But it had Louisiana it its sights. 


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