Chapter 22- Union Hall

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Union hall was scheduled to open that day, September 2nd, 2056.

Union Hall, was an ornate building in the at the end of the plaza of the Union. The middle of the Union had a golden circle on the ground, with the words inscribed "North American Union • Unión Norteamericana • Together We Prosper"

Around the golden circle hung the flags of the member states. Next year, more members were joining the union on January 1st, these were: Costa Rica, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The building had ornate concrete pillars and a glass dome. On it was inscribed "To the North Americans". The building was modeled on the German Reichstag Building. And very much reminiscent of its source.

The red ribbon hung over the doorway.

Alex gave a short speech, that wasn't very memorable and cut the ribbon.

"Union Hall is now open!" He declared

"Hurrah! Hurrah!" Cheered the crowd. And the parliament building was opened. 

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