The Bridge

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-One Week Later-

-Isle of the Lost-

Third Person POV:

It was evening, as the villain kids on the Isle prepared to go to Auradon. Celia was telling her father her goodbyes, while the Smee twins got themselves together, but were still nervous.

Scarlett on the other hand was ready since yesterday, she just had to get one last look of the Isle, because she didn't know how long she would be away. Her final visit of the day was to her two best friends, Sabine, daughter of Sabor (from Tarzan) and Khan, son of Shere Khan (from Jungle Book).

"Well, looked who's here to visit." Khan appeared, hopping out of the meat shop.

"I had to at least say goodbye to my best mates." Scarlett replied.

"Ah, so you do care." Sabine stated.

"What did you say?!" Scarlett asked, hissing at Sabine, who didn't even flinch.

"I said you care. About us." Sabine answered.

"About me." Khan added.

Scarlett slowly moved away from Sabine and Khan and replied, "Maybe I do."

"Told you." Sabine laughed, pointing at Khan.

"What is the Wild Pack of the Isle without one of it's members?" Scarlett asked her companions.

"Just a bunch of mangy, slobbery eating poachers. Not sure if that's what Zazu said. I'll have to ask the hyenas again." Khan joked.

"Ugh, the king's stooge. He's probably Simba's now." Scarlett said, disgusted thinking of Simba.

"Ah, Simba." Sabine smiled saying the name. "You still gonna kill him?"

"I don't know." Scarlett replied, holding her head down. "But rumor has it, his son is just on the other side."

"While you're over there, if you see Tarzan, or any family member of his, kill them." Sabor popped in suddenly. She was on the roof, waiting for her midday snack, which is why she was in the outskirts of the town.

"Mom. Stop pressuring her." Sabine whined.

"Stop whining and give me my lunch." Sabor growled at her daughter.

"I will do my best Aunt Sabor. I already have enough weight on my mission to finish Simba." Scarlett replied, taking up a piece of roasted beef.

"And if you see Mowgli, finish him!" Shere Khan added, appearing out of thin dust to everyone, making them jump.

"Jeez Shere Khan!" Sabine breathlessly hissed.

"I though you were over Mowgli, especially after adopting your own human son." Scarlett stated, confused why Shere Khan wanted her to go after Mowgli.

"He left me in a volcano to die!" Shere Khan roared, scaring off nearby villagers, and even Scarlett.

"Dad, you're scaring her. How clever." Khan complemented him.

Scarlett smirked, as she listened to everyone demand her on what to do and what not to do. She just wanted to go off on her own most of the times, and do her own thing, but she did want to make her father proud.

"Scarlett, they should be here any minute now." a voice said from behind the meat shop, revealing the 'Lion King of the Isle' Scar.

"Yes father." Scarlett replied, walking to her father's side, following him to the Isle's bridge.

"Make us proud Scarlett." Sabor said to Scarlett as she walked away.

"And remember, rip out some hearts for us." Shere Khan reminded her.

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