🔥Part 4🔥

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"Are you even listening to me?" Mina gave me a gentle push to get me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I stared at her in confusion.

"I said Chris is getting on my nerves. What's going on with you two?"

I sighed and cleared my throat at the same time.

"I don't know... He's...he's clingy. " I replied to Mina.

"That's it?" she raised her eyebrows and looked at me questioningly.

"He acted like a jealous jerk yesterday. "

Mina leaned back and pulled out her phone, scrolling around on her screen to hold it right under my nose.

"22 calls within 5 minutes. " She leaned forward towards me.
"Who is this guy you ran off with yesterday?"

"Mina!" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Nika. I don't care if you still have feelings for Mr. Chris, I can't do without you. But be fair and tell him that."

I looked at her and caught my brain calling Yoongi straight into the picture.

"The guy yesterday was Haru's son. Yoongi!" I said and reached for my Americano.

"That was Haru's son? Oh wow...now I understand Chris." Mina put her phone down and leaned back.

"Mina I....!" should I tell her what happened in the last 72 hours? "Forget it."

I decided to let the evening pass before i say anything that I would regret later.

"But he's hot ... Haru's son." Mina leaned towards me, smiled and rested her face on her palms.

"Do you think you could set something up?" Mina let her brows dance.

"What do you mean?" Of course I know what she means ...

"It feels like centuries since the last time I had something going on with a guy in bed." Mina looked down between her legs..." The cobwebs should finally be removed."

We both giggled.

"I ... go out with him tonight..." I finally said.

"Oookay!... Why? And what about Chris. He's going to freak out when he finds out."

"Getting to know him...new family...we're practically step-siblings." I replied..." And as for Chris.... I think I'm going to break up with him. "

We talked for a while before Mina left.

When I got home, my mother came down the stairs and smiled.

"Honey, Haru and I are going to spend the night in a hotel in the countryside. He wants to enjoy nature with me. "

I was happy for her, albeit with mixed feelings. Especially after what I had heard this morning.

"Are you going to be okay?" She kissed my cheek and I nodded.

"Go ahead. Have fun," I said and made my way to my room.

I closed the door and sat down on my bed when I saw a small red box lying on it. There was a note inside.

'Wear this tonight Kitten!

I opened the box and a shiver ran down my spine...

"Love balls?"

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of these silver balls hanging from a silver chain with a small diamond-like handle at the end.

"Oh fuck!" I muttered as I took these little balls out of their packaging.

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