30. Last Gasp Pt. 2

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Last Gasp part Two

Lee Clarke, January 5th, 1950, Crescent City

8:00 pm

"Richard, don't be such a party pooper!"

The five of us are bundled up in raincoats and galoshes, standing in the open entrance of the Pomroy's home. For once, it isn't raining, but that can change in a heartbeat, especially in winter. It's pitch dark outside, but that was the point. Helen is in charge of tonight's crazy misadventure. A drive out past the lodge and up what was likely a twisty trail, not even a road, to a creek in a meadow in the forest, where she'd heard one might spot a rare nocturnal California giant salamander.

I'd worked all day and I'm tired, but Helen was in that kind of mood, the one I'd come to know over the three years of our friendship. She would drive by herself, if I said no. And of course she'd invited Miriam. Miles and Eddy overheard and invited themselves.

Now I stood, uncomfortable, trying not to fall asleep, as Eddy tried to convince Richard to join us.

"I can't. I promised my father to go over this paperwork." Richard sounded less neutral than normal, frustrated, hands literally full of ledgers. "I promised. I need to keep my promises. I need to prove that I'm responsible. That I'm trustworthy, someone people can rely on."

I didn't miss the quick flick of his eyes towards me. We still didn't talk, not like we had in the wardrobe on New Years. He was still...acting like we barely knew each other. Still wearing a costume, or a straight jacket (ha), acting out the part of a dutiful son and fiancé.

But now that we've talked, I can see how much he hates it. It wasn't hard to tell. Before, when we were growing up, I always knew what Richard was thinking and feeling. I guess, when he came back, I wasn't looking.

Now I am.

I can't unsee it. The anger and frustration he feels being left behind while we go out and play.

"How long?"

Everyone turned to look at me. I'm pretty quiet normally, letting Eddy and Miles dominate the conversations.

Richard twitched. Again, I knew. Both of us instantly remembered his request for me to measure his dick. Our own private joke from when we were fifteen and anyone said those two words.

I smiled wanly. "How long until you're finished?"

I can see, with my new eyes, he's quickly reevaluating his need to work.

"An hour?"

"Okay, we can wait."

Everyone shrugged. Richard hefted his work, and moved with a sense of purpose towards his dad's study.

"An hour won't make any difference. We can pack some food to take with us, I suppose," Helen agreed. "It's better if it's later anyway, but Lee was worried he was too tired. He said it was now or never. I guess he changed his mind."

Richard stopped mid stride, and looked back.

"You can sleep in my room, until I'm done," he said evenly, as Miriam moved briskly towards the kitchen, the other two women following reluctantly behind her.

"I'll keep you company, Lee," Miles practically skipped next to me, brown eyes glowing.

"Oh, Miles, be a pal and help me out with some of this. You did nothing all day." While he didn't address me directly, I could see the way he shifted his shoulders, Richard was irritated. Not pleased maybe, with the idea of me and Miles together in his room.

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