|Volume 1| ~Izun~ Chapter 4 Truth! What they were silent about for 8 years

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Morning has come. The sun's rays penetrated through the windows into the house, illuminating all its empty corridors.
The door on the second floor opened quietly and the Worker came out. Uzi went down to the first floor, approaching the stove. She started preparing breakfast because she and N had to go to work. They shouldn't have been home today in the first place. The situation with the core did not require delay to be resolved. It is advisable to spend all day and night there so that you can react in time. But another thing is who will Izun be with all this time? Considering that it is unknown how long it will take for the core to calm down, they can leave their son alone. He been at home all life, and now he alone. Something had to be done about this.
In the meantime breakfast warm up, it would be nice to lie down....

Uzi-O Robo-Jesus!

Turning around, she saw Izun who had been standing behind her all this time.

Izun-Good morning.

Uzi-Are you crazy to scare me like that?!


Uzi-Okay, but don't do that again. While breakfast is being prepared, I’ll go lie down on the sun lounger.

Izun nodded his head and sat down on the sofa and relaxed. He liked this environment in the morning. But then it hit him like an electric shock. After all, his mother went to the backyard, and after the night before last the words Backyard, Basement and full of shi..... (oh, sorry), and parental anger meant the same thing. As if he had broken free, he ran to the back exit, fortunately Uzi had only just approached the door when Izun leaned against what separated their house from the morning screams.


Uzi-What is?

Izun-Um.... um.... there breakfast is on fire!


The worker turned around and rushed to the kitchen. At this time, Izun went out into the yard and rushed into the garage. Having found a shovel there, he went to look for bags of earth that N had bought not so long ago.

Uzi-Nothing is burning. Maybe he got confused?

She went back to the yard.
Meanwhile, Izun had just found the bag and barely brought it to the scene. Hearing footsteps, little Drone began to panic. Desperately grabbing the bag, he dragged it to the door, leaning it on it.

Uzi-Hmm, why doesn't the door open? Damn, I told N: “Fix the door,” and he told me, “I’ll fix it, I’ll fix it.” Well, have to go around.

At this time, Izun, with great effort and speed, carried the earth from the bag into the grooves throughout the yard. He had never tried as hard as he did now to do something. He worked so quickly that half of the holes were already filled. Sharply throwing the shovel out of his hands, the purple ran to the main door because he understood that if not through the back, then through the main exit, she would exit. Luckily he got there earlier. Crouching and gathering all his strength, Izun began to hold the door.

Uzi-What the?! Why doesn’t the main entrance open?! Damn N! Is our house starting to collapse or what?!
From the sounds of footsteps, it was safe to say that Uzi went to the second floor. Probably to wake up N. This gave Izun the opportunity to bury everything completely.

Izun-It seems unnoticeable!

In fact, there were no holes, but strips of earth without grass gave away their presence. Although one thing was pleasing was that although traces remained, there was not the slightest indentation. Now it was necessary to put everything back in its place, because his father does not allow Izun to take tools from the garage. But before that, it was best to run to the main door and listen to what was happening there. Arriving there, Izun leaned against the door.

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