|Volume 1| ~Aunt J~ Chapter 6 First training. Cowgirl J

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Izun and J had already moved quite far from the city in a rocky area. Literally, this is where the land ended and was replaced by an area entirely composed of red-brown stone.

Izun-Are you seriously saying that we will be on the road for two years?

J-Yes, and what?

Izun-Ah, maybe we won't be there that long, huh?

J-*laughs* No, of course not, I still have to train you!


J-Don't ask too many questions. We haven't even spent a day together yet, and you're already starting to piss me off.

Izun-I? Am I starting to piss me off?! Maybe then you can take me home?

J-In that case, I think we should start right now.

Izun-What to start right now?

J-Your appearance reminds me of a friend who almost killed me once, and knowing your origins also makes me do it without remorse.


J kneed Izun at high speed and hit the display directly. Because of this, Izun flew into the distance with his back, riding along the tops of two medium-sized rocks and turning his body forward in flight and hitting a high rock head down. After spending some time in the arms of a giant stone, he fell on his back from a height of about 100 cm.


J-Well, how do you like it?

Izun-*writhes in pain* I-I-I'll get my revenge on you! Some day!

J-Ha! OK, try! It still won't work! And no misters. Understood?


In this situation, J was amazed that his display did not have a single scratch left from a powerful blow or impact with stones. Only the clothes in the back were torn in several places, but everything else was completely intact.

J-(Well! You will be even stronger than my son, which means it will be even easier with you than with him.)

***INTERESTING FACT: Will Izun get revenge on J?

Distribution of forces:

J - 60


Izun-4 *Izun's Photon Shot*-20***


Work went on as usual. Khan's new system helped to be as productive as possible while working around the clock. Some couldn't stand it and went on vacation, while others, having learned from somewhere the news about a possible increase in nuclear activity, came to get a job until the situation stabilized. In the end, no one wanted to sit idly by because no Drone wanted their planet to explode. N, after another inspection of the core, went for a short break and came across Uzi.


Uzi-Yes, hello. Do you have a break?

N-Yes. Did you want something?

Uzi-I wanted to ask you about yesterday's conversation.

N-what conversation?

Uzi-How are you related to J's son? You didn't answer yesterday.The Dismantler became noticeably nervous. He had already forgotten about it and hoped that Uzi would forget too. But it it turned out that no.

N-*seems worried* Well, you know, I honestly don't want to talk about it.

Uzi-Why is this? Do you have something to hide from me?

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