Season 1: Episode 2

167 11 1

(A/N: Bella is Bella Hadid in case ya'll didn't realise it)

Y/N walks out of the bathroom fully dressed as Maeve hands him a plate of toast.

"Eat up dickhead."

Y/N takes a bite.



Y/N walks to her as she makes her own breakfast. He sighs making her look at him.

"What's wrong?"

She pulls in for a hug which he returns.

"I just don't feel like I fit in around here."

"Well you do beat everyone up," she says jokingly.

He laughs as they pull apart.

"Aimee is having a house party, why don't you come?"

"Sure. Maybe I'll make some friends."

"Exactly. Now come on, we need to leave."

She grabs her helmet that Y/N bought her, leaving as he grabs his own helmet. The two put their helmets on before getting on and driving to school.

The two arrive and Y/N parks the bike before helping Maeve get down. He gets off himself, taking the keys out.

"Right, I have to find Otis. Please don't fight anyone."

"No promises!"

They head off in different directions, Y/N walking to his locker as Maeve waits outside to find Otis. As Y/N walks to his locker, he sees Ruby alone at her.

"I thought I smelt shit! Hey Matthews!"

Ruby rolls her eyes at the sound of the familiar voice. People around them stare in shock at how Y/N talks to Ruby.

"I think that smell is you Wiley." 

She turns to face him with a smirk matching the one on his face. 

"You wish I smelled cause then you would be able to stay away from me."

"I think you're the one who keeps coming to me, like a moth to a flame."

"Well I do want to die every time I'm around you."

Y/N opens his locker, grabbing his books for his first classes and putting the ones he doesn't need in his locker before locking it and walking away before Ruby can respond. 

At lunch, Y/N is sitting with his sister, Otis and Eric. Some guy skates past them.

"Hey, Maeve! I wanna fuck a chinchilla. Can you help?"

The guy crashes as Y/N looks at his sister confused.

"Yeah, I think she might have told people."

"What's going on?"

"None of your business dickhead."

The guy starts to get out of the flower bed. 

"You wanna talk to my sister like that again dickhead?" 

Y/N stands up grabbing the guy.



"Put him down!"


Y/N smirks.

"Don't do what I know you're thinking."

"What's he thinking?!" The guy asks scared.

Y/N throws the guy roughly onto the ground.


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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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