Chapter 6

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Ayaan pov

On Shivani's first day, our paths crossed in an unexpected clash. Our encounter escalated into a heated argument, each word laced with animosity. Little did I know that this encounter would set the stage for a journey that would challenge my perceptions and ignite a whirlwind of emotions within me.

It has been a week since that incident, and fate has a peculiar way of bringing people together. To my surprise, Shivani and I were paired as dance partners for a university performance. The universe seemed to revel in its irony, throwing two enemies into a situation that demanded cooperation and harmony.

As we began another day of dance practice, the tension between us was palpable. Every step we took seemed to echo the underlying conflict that simmered beneath the surface. We fought, clashed, and challenged each other, both on and off the dance floor. It was a battle of wills, a constant struggle for dominance.

But amidst the chaos, a strange sensation began to stir within me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but whenever Shivani was near, my heart would race and my thoughts would falter. It was an unusual feeling, one that I couldn't easily dismiss. I found myself drawn to her presence, captivated by her spirit and unyielding determination.

However, I refused to admit the truth to myself. I was the cold and aggressive guy, known for my guarded demeanor. To acknowledge these newfound emotions would be to expose my vulnerabilities, and I couldn't afford to let my walls crumble.

Yet, as we danced together, I couldn't help but notice the beauty that radiated from Shivani. Her external grace mirrored the fire within her, and it was impossible to ignore. Her every move, though not as technically refined as mine, held an authenticity that resonated deep within my soul.

I can't help but admit that I am starting to feel something more than just frustration or admiration towards her. It's as if a magnetic force is pulling me towards her, and I find myself irresistibly drawn to her presence.

Her energy is infectious, and it lights up the room whenever she enters. There's a spark in her eyes when she dances, and it's as if she's in her element, completely in tune with the music and the rhythm. I find myself getting lost in her movements, mesmerized by her grace and fluidity.

But it's not just her talent that attracts me. It's the way she challenges me, pushes me to step out of my comfort zone, and brings out a side of me that I never knew existed. She sees beyond my cold exterior and manages to ignite a fire within me, a fire that fuels my passion for dance and life itself.
Her laughter is like music to my ears, and her smile brightens up even the darkest of days. I find myself wanting to know more about her, to unravel the layers beneath her bold facade.
As Shivani and I moved through the choreography, there was a moment when our bodies aligned in a breathtaking dance move. Her trust in me was palpable as she leaned back, her back against my chest, and our hands intertwined.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still. Our eyes locked, and I felt a surge of electricity pass between us. It was as if the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us in a suspended moment of connection. I could see the reflection of my own emotions mirrored in her eyes, a mixture of vulnerability, curiosity, and a hint of something more.

But as quickly as the moment arrived, it slipped away. The dance continued, and we both returned to our roles, our faces betraying no sign of the intensity we had just experienced. We danced with precision, our movements synchronized, yet my mind was consumed by the memory of that fleeting gaze.

The beautiful dialogue between us remained unspoken, confined to the depths of our hearts. Words seemed inadequate to capture the depth of what I felt in that moment. It was a silent conversation, a language of unspoken desires and uncharted possibilities.

A blush crept onto her cheeks. It was as if she felt a mix of surprise, intrigue, and perhaps even a hint of attraction.
When my hand grazed Shivani's waist, it was as if an electric current passed between us. I felt a jolt of energy, a tingling sensation that sent shivers down my spine. It was a brief touch, innocent in nature, but it left an indelible impression on my mind.
I must admit, that I felt a surge of desire and attraction in that moment. The softness of her waist beneath my touch awakened a longing within me that I had long suppressed. It was as if the boundaries I had set for myself were momentarily blurred, and I was confronted with a wave of unfamiliar emotions.

I held her closer to my chest and whispered in her ear from behind.
"Feeling something chiquita? (A spanish nickname, you can search it though) and I hope you're not 'cause this is going to be dangerous for you"

"Don't call me t-" I cut her of and placed my index finger on her lips preventing her to speak.

"Shhh focus on your dance chiquita not me, you'll be distracted, and you won't be able to handle this distraction"

After the dance practice we decided to walk around the corridor as it was a break. It was an iced silence between us, no one dared to talk. As I took a deep breathe and exhaled and decided to break this silence.

"Well, Chiquita I must admit, your dance moves are improving. You're not as terrible as I thought." As I don't have any other topic and I need to break the silence I need to tease her it was fun as I led to a long conversion.
"Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment. But don't get too comfortable, I won't let your remarks affect me." She said raising her one eyebrow.

"Oh, Shivani, you misunderstand me. I'm just stating the facts. Your improvement is commendable, even if it's still far from my level." She is great at dancing but still as I need to tease her I need to be in my character.
"Is that so, Well, maybe one day I'll surpass your level and leave you in awe. Then we'll see who's the one making remarks." She replied while rolling her eyes.
"I'd like to see you try, Shivani. But I must warn you, it takes more than just determination to reach my level of skill." I smirked at her seeing her irritated face. "Challenge accepted." She said giving me a sarcastic smile.

And then an unexpected figure came to view. Aarav? Why is he here?
"Hey everyone" He said waving his hands.
"Oh hi what are you doing here?"she said waving back at him.
"I just came to invite you for lunch would you like to come ?"
"Yeah ofcourse why not"she smiled at him. Wtf is this she never smiled at me. Well I too never smiled but that doesn't matter right now, who is he to her?! But why do I care ?!! Even if they are are in relationship or something why do I care ?!!

"And what about you do you wanna join us Mr malhotra?" She said looming at me with her beautiful honey brown eyes.
"Nah thanks but I love alone time" I nodded
"Fine then, let's go Aarav" she said and turned her head towards Aarav.
"Yeah okay bye Ayaan see you later" Aarav said waving at me as Shivani pulled him out of the corridor towards the canteen.

And soon they disappeared and I'm alone again.

How are you all,it has been a lot time scince I posted.
I already told you guys to vote but you didn't but the once who did, I love you all so much 💗🤧💗. Please don't be a silent reader my goal was not completed last time and I want it to be completed this time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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