Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 


Wes's POV

    "So are you guys like a thing now?" I asked, anger slipped into my tone.

    I was trying so hard to hide it. I had no reason to be mad at her or Daniel. She had a nightmare and he was comforting her. That's all. 

    Then why was he sleeping with her?

    That's a good question. Why was he sleeping with her? Why had he hugged her last night?

    Ugh stop thinking about it. They're probably just friends. Or maybe they're something more.

    Stop. Thinking. About. Her.

    "I don't see how that is any of your business." she says annoyed.

    "But no we aren't a thing, Wes." she adds.

    They aren't a thing. They aren't a thing! She has no idea how happy that just made me. I couldn't tell her that. I had to act like I didn't care and it killed me because I needed her to know that I cared about her.

    I mean, fuck man, I even told Thomas how much she meant to me. That's where I went last night. I saw her in Daniels clothes and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to tell someone how much she meant to me.

    "Are you okay? That nightmare you had last night seemed pretty serious." I asked.

    That's all I could do. Was ask her because I'm not the one that sat up with her all night. I'm not the one who comforted her when she was scared. I'm not the one who got to have the pleasure of her sleeping in my arms.

    God. Why couldn't I have been faster to get to her? Why did Daniel have to get to his feet so much faster than I?

    I hated it. I should have been the one that she was crying to. I should have been the one to whisper to her that everything was going to be alright.

    I had told her that I was sorry last night. She was probably sleeping but I still said it because I had to. If I hadn't I would have torn myself up because of it.

    I really was sorry. I was sorry that I had yelled at her, and that I wasn't there for her last night before the party, and that I wasn't there for her last night after the party. Why can't she know how bad I felt because of that.

    I can't believe that I had mistaken her for a whore. That is the farthest possible thing from her.

    "I'm fine. It was nothing. Daniel and I are going to talk about it tonight. Thank you for worrying but I'm fine. It's happened before." she says dryly.

    She hated me. She didn't want to talk to me. I could tell by her body language and her vocals. She was irritated by me. Oh god what had I done?

    She started walking away from me but I wanted to talk to her longer. I couldn't let her leave this conversation thinking that way about me. It would kill me inside. So I said the one thing that popped into my head.

    "What are you doing over fall break?" I practically yelled.

    She stopped abruptly in her place and turned around to face me. I could see it in her eyes this time.

    She was irritated and yet she was intrigued. She wanted to know why I had asked her. Maybe she was even a little happy that I had stopped her.

    "Why?" she asked.

    That's when I knew.

    She really was happy that I had stopped her. Her voice was laced with question and happiness. I could hardly see them from where I was standing, but her eyes sparkled in the dimly lit hallway we were standing in.

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