Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It was a pretty short car ride considering we chatted the entire time.

We pulled into the little subdivision that his parents lived in. I have to say, it's a pretty nice little subdivision. All of the houses look nice and it looked like a kid friendly neighborhood by the sight of all the kids toys on the porches and basketball hoops out in the driveways.

I honestly wouldn't mind settling down in a nice house like this and raising a family. It would be nice to have friendly neighbors and for my kids (if I ever have any) to have friends that live in the neighborhood.

When we pull up to the house I see that there is an extra car in the driveway that wasn't here the last time I was here. I've never seen it before, but I mean, I've only been here once so there are a lot of things I've probably never seen.

"Hey Wes, whose car is that?" I ask looking over at it.

"Oh, it's just a friend of my dad's. They came over for dinner tonight. I didn't know about it until a little while ago when my dad texted me." he answers glancing up at the car.

I was gonna say something but I just shrugged it off. I guess meeting one of his parents friends won't be that bad. I mean what bad could happen right.

We walked into the house and Wes called out to his mom. There wasn't an answer but we could smell the grill from the living room. Wes dropped his bags by the couch and we walked through the kitchen to the backyard. I saw the light from a tiki torch through the glass pane of the sliding door and the smell of grilled burgers became stronger.

Wes slid the door open and let me walk through first, I quickly realized why.

"SURPRISE!!!" they all yelled as each individual popped up from their hiding spots.

I stood there in shock as everyone swarmed me to wish me a happy birthday. Piper was the first person to reach me and she lightly grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Don't look like we just killed your dog. Be happy please. I know you haven't had the best of birthdays before but Wes really wanted to make this one special so I helped him. Be sure you thank him." she said quietly.

I didn't even say anything until after I had enveloped her in a long hug.

"Thank you so much Piper." I thanked her.

The tears had started to well up in my eyes and she saw them.

"You're welcome. You deserve it Cam. Now stop crying, it's your birthday and you're gonna make me cry." she giggled.

I laughed and raised my hands up to my eyes to wipe any tears away before they ran down my cheeks.

I continued to thank people for coming and I almost cried a couple times but I stopped myself.

I finally found Wes through the mass of people who came and walked up to him. He saw me when I was a couple feet away and smiled at me.

After giving him a long hug I punched him in the arm.

"What was that for?" he asked rubbing the spot where I punched him.

"That was for making me almost cry tonight." I snapped smiling at him.

He had a worried expression on his face.

"What do you mean you almost cried?" he asked with a worried tone.

"I haven't exactly celebrated my birthday in roughly ten years. You, Piper and Alyssa are really the only ones who have ever done anything for me within that time frame." I said glancing over at the girls.

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