Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Wes' POV*

Shifting in bed I realized there was a body behind mine. Rolling over slowly I saw Cameron sleeping.

Wow. Even while she was sleeping she was absolutely beautiful. There were thin strands of blue hair scattered around the edges of her face. Without realizing my fingers moved up and tucked a few of the loose strands behind her ear. She didn't even move a little bit when I touched her cheek. Her pink lips were slightly parted and every couple seconds her small nose twitched like a rabbits. She was so adorable. I just wanted to wrap her up in my arms and fall back asleep with her. Instead I got up and took a shower.


After my shower I slipped on a pair of dark gray sweatpants and walked over to Cameron. She was still sleeping but the soft glow from the rising sun outside was cast on her face. The shades of pink and orange married surprisingly well against her vibrant hair. I knelt down beside her and spoke to her trying to wake her up.

"Cam. I need you to wake up for me. Please?" I said softly.

I tried again and this time she shifted around then mumbled a couple words. Even when she was half awake she was still her feisty self. It made me smile.

She eventually opened her eyes and waited for me to tell her what was going on. I told her that we were leaving around 9 and she just rolled over. I let out a small sigh and stood back up.

"Also, I'm making breakfast for everyone." I added with a smirk.

She shot up and out of bed quicker that I thought she would. I couldn't help but laugh at her which she returned with a glare. She was cute.

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. I already knew what I was going to make, chocolate chip pancakes. I used to make these pancakes every morning for Livvie before school. She loved them and they became her favorite food ever. She still asks for them when I'm over there and every once in awhile mom agrees and lets me make them for dinner.


Pouring the last of the pale batter into the pan I moved the dishes into the sink and watched the air bubbles start to form.

I never knew Cameron was behind me until she asked me what I was making. She scared the hell out of me, she knew it too. I heard the light sound of her laugh. It was warm and contagious, making me smile at her.

When she looked down at the stove and saw that I was making pancakes, she squealed. With raised eyebrows and a mouth hanging agape she stared at me and I smiled again. I turned around to flip them before she asked her next question.

"Why do they look burnt?" she asked innocently enough.

I turned around and starting to defend my masterpieces but the next thing she said made me feel like an ass.

She had never had chocolate chip pancakes. Why? Because she didn't have a great childhood. I was so stupid. I knew that much about her and I still opened my fat mouth.

"Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal." she shrugged it off.

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine, really." she reassured me.

She was smiling and like I've said before, her smile is contagious so I smiled back.

After a couple minutes she started asking me questions about how I ate them and what I topped them with, etc. I finished flipping the last pancake onto the stack before spreading the pad of butter on each followed by a spoonful of peanut butter then topped with a dolop of whipped cream. Of course I couldn't just leave it at that so I raised the can above my head and sprayed some in my mouth before setting it back down on the counter.

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