Chapter 28: Help - Part 1

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Katie's POV

Where am I?

I groggily wake up in a moving vehicle. I feel a warm body near me and as I looked closer, I recognize the body to be Gina's.

"Gina!" I whisper yell. Nudging her to move.

She groans.

"Gina, where are we?" I question while trying to calm my headache.

"Katie, are you okay?" She comes to ask.

"I'm fine, just a headache and body pains," I explain.

"What about you?" I ask concerned.

"I'm okay," Gina whispers.

"What's going on, G?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"He has to tell you... but I can tell you the part I played in it all." Gina says nervously.

Oh, G... you were involved...

"Kat, I knew about him before you met him and I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Gina rushed out.

She what? But how?

"Were you, you know, involved with him?" I asked painfully.

"What? Of course not! I would not ever do that to you. "I just knew who he was, and I know why he went after you, or at least partly why..."Gina trailed.

"Why did he go for me?" I ask, my palms sweaty, waiting for the answer.

"That's for him to tell you, Kat. I'm sorry I kept this from you, but Ciara and I had to do it to protect and help you. Elnasio isn't really a bad guy; he has his reasons, even if they aren't the best. I could see that he loves and cares for you deeply, maybe even more than you realize. The woman, Debra, helped him out. She knew about me through Eduardo, his brother, who mistakenly thought I was involved with them. I still don't understand how that happened. Sadly, I believe my brother was part of this whole scheme. I know Rodney is. Kat, please understand, I never intended to hurt you." Gina says sadly.

I couldn't help but look at everyone I thought I knew from a different perspective now. I rarely understand "the plan". I still only have part of a story.

If these guys didn't come for us, who would have told me? Why did they capture us? 

Was Rodney really ever a friend? Will, what they say be true? 

I love my sisters, but they lied to me.

 What to do when someone you love lies to you?

 What do you say when they say they did it to "help you"? Who were they really helping? 

I could only listen to these ranting thoughts as I sat still in the back of this van.

Gina knew when I went into this mode, she should just let me be. 

So, she sat next to me quietly, probably feeling guilty and hurt, but Gina wasn't one to be selfish; she knew I was hurting in a way too.

I needed my best friend and the first step to closure of any kind, I think, is forgiveness.

After 30 minutes went by, we were slowing down and I turned to Gina and quietly whispered, "I forgive you."

Gina was so excited, she leaped at me, and we hugged tight.

"I love you, sister." we both voice.

The van came to a complete stop, and we heard the people who took us get out and slam the doors. We thought they were going to come back here, but we listened to their retreating footsteps.

We released the hug and Gina crept towards the doors, "I'm going to try to open them." Gina whispered.

"Be careful," I whisper.

The doors didn't budge, so we sat back down and decided to just wait.

20 minutes passed and I felt weak like someone tickled me weak but this kind of weak hurt, mostly around my head.

"G, I don't feel so well," I whisper, reaching over to touch her arm.

"What happened, Kat?" Gina says worriedly, reaching over to take my hand in hers.

"My head, G. It hurts," I whisper, slowly panting at the pain.

"We did get into an accident, the bike hit the curb and we both passed out," Gina explained while rubbing my arms.

"We crashed?" I questioned, my head pounding harder at my attempts to remember.

"Katie! No, don't try to remember, it'll make it worse. You have a deep cut on your forehead. Help must be on the way. It has to be." Gina whispers to me.

"G, you're losing me," I whispered before I felt my eyes shut on their own.

"Kat, you have to stay awake, come on!" Gina whisper-yells.

I attempt to open my eyes, but I can't. They are too heavy.

"Wake up, Kat!" Gina shouted while shaking my arms.

I don't know how long I was out. However, I jolted up and my eyes flew open at the sound of a bang.

I spotted Gina and tried to blink the haze away.

The doors soon flew open and there stood Elnasio with the man from earlier behind him.

I had so many words but couldn't let them out, so I put them into one emotion and stared at Elnasio with hurt eyes.

"Are you both okay?" the man asks with worry or maybe concern.

Gina nods while I keep my eyes trained on Elnasio and his on me.

Soon, we heard sirens and they were approaching fast.

"About time," the man comments. "Come with me, Gina." the man states while holding a hand out for her.

How does he know her? How in the dark am I?

I turn to look at her and she grabs my hand, pulling me out with her. As I passed Elnasio, I could smell his scent, and it took every bone in my body to not run into those comforting arms.

 It eased every pain but caused every hurt.

The EMT crew rushes over and helps Gina and me with our injuries, deciding to just send us to the hospital.

It wasn't hard to tell whose eyes were burning into my head, but I kept moving because, just like when I was younger, I knew I'd make it out okay and that's a promise.

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