Lana I Swear

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Maggie gets Billie up and ready but keeps her in her dressed in her baby onesie.

Maggie gets Billie situated in her high chair.

Billie sulks in her chair. Yesterday was rough. Billie has given up on fighting Maggie though. What's the use.

"Mommy's sorry about yesterday honey bunny." Maggie says to Billie.

Billie sighs.

Maggie frowns. She took it too far once again.

Maggie starts taking out cooking supplies and gets a phone call.

10 Minutes Later:

*Maggie hangs up her phone*

"I'll be right back Billie. I gotta deal with something." Maggie says and walks out the door.

Billie panics a little because she's stuck in the high chair. Hopefully Maggie isn't gone for too long.

5 Minutes Later:

Lana opens the door and walks into Billie's house and smiles at Billie.

Billie gives Lana a confused look. What the hell is she doing here.

"Lana what are you doing here? Didn't me and my mom freak you out yesterday? You ran out the house screaming....Are you gonna hurt me?" Billie says nervously.

"No silly I'm not gonna hurt you and I was excited screaming not scared screaming." Lana says.

"I'm confused...." Billie says.

"Billie I didn't know you had a mommy kink." Lana says and rubs Billie's cheek.

"WHAT! No I don't Lana! I swear! I'm just being punished by my mom. She's making me do all of this. It's not me!" Billie says.

"It's ok Billie. Don't be shy." Lana says.

"No Lana! I'm not kidding! I really don't like this!" Billie pleads.

"Ok but I have a mommy kink. Can I please play with you?" Lana asks.

"No!" Billie yells.

"Pleeeeease. I'll let you touch my boobs." Lana bribes Billie.

Touch Lana's boobs. That would be a dream come true for Billie. Billie is tempted now.

"Umm...Ok fine." Billie says reluctantly.

"Yay! Oh my God! I'm so excited! Let's begin!" Lana cheers.

"Ok Lana." Billie says.

"It's not Lana it's mommy. Can you say mama?" Lana coos.

Billie blushes and sinks in her chair.

Lana puts a show on for Billie and starts cooking.

35 Minutes Later:

Lana brings over a plate with waffles, strawberries and hash browns.

Lana holds up a forkful of waffles to Billie's mouth.

Billie eats the bite and Lana continues to feed her the rest.

"Do you like mommy's cooking?" Lana asks.

"Yes." Billie says and takes another bite.

15 Minutes Later:

Lana wipes Billie's face and makes her a bottle.

Lana unbuckles Billie from the high chair and carries her to the couch and holds Billie in her lap and feeds her the bottle.

Billie looks at Lana's face and then occasionally stares at Lana's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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