#08. little brother

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chapter 008 ━━━━ little brother

the wing boy knocked lightly on the door to his sister's bedroom before stepping inside

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the wing boy knocked lightly on the door to his sister's bedroom before stepping inside. the room was bathed in soft, warm light, filled with the comforting scent of lavender.

Robin, with her periwinkle-colored hair cascading over her shoulders and green eyes sparkling, looked up from the book she was reading.

"brother!" she greeted happily, her smile wide and genuine. "how are you doing?"

he returned her smile, feeling a sense of peace wash over him in her presence. "i'm fine, Robin." he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. but then Robin's next question made his heart skip a beat.

"and how's she doing?" she asked innocently, her eyes curious and hopeful.

he froze, the question hitting him like a ton of bricks. his sister didn't know about the storm of emotions he felt towards you, how he had tried to sever the ties that once bound you so closely together.

for a moment, he considered telling her the truth, but the sight of her hopeful expression made him reconsider.

instead, he forced a smile and answered, "she's doing well."

Robin beamed, her joy evident. "that's good to hear. you know, i always thought you two would make such a cute couple."

Sunday felt a pang in his chest, memories of the past flooding back. "it's not like that." he protested, but his voice lacked conviction.

she just laughed softly, the sound like a gentle melody. "sure, sure. whatever you say, big brother."

wanting to change the subject, the boy asked, "do you want to go to the garden?"

Robin's face lit up even more. "i'd love to!" she exclaimed.

he stood up from the bed, heading towards the corner of the room where her wheelchair was parked.

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