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Arabel's POV

My phone has been vibrating continuously for over ten minutes, making me rush out of the bathroom with my towel hanging loosely around me.

It must be urgent. It must be Stella.

I almost slip on the marble floor just before I get to the dresser, where my phone is still vibrating. I curse loudly and pick up the call.

"Hello," I say, sticking the phone to my ears and shoulder so I can tie my towel well in case Daisy decides to storm into my room.

"Hi," the familiar voice says, making me stop halfway tying my towel, my jaws unhinged.


“Hi”, I almost stutter, wondering why he is calling. I know I should have called to thank him for today, but I didn't want to. “Thank you for today, sir.”

“Are you home?” He questions out of the blue, making me raise a brow in confusion.

He can't be here, can he?

At the remembrance that the surprise visit was in London and not here, I let out a sigh of relief. He doesn't know where I live, in New York.

“Is anything the problem?” I ask again, unable to contain my rude tone.

“No. I just wanted to be sure you were following the doctor's advice," he says, sounding like someone who has a smile on his face.

It makes my mind conjure a picture of him smiling.

I slap myself mentally at the silly thought.

“I am, thank you!”

“Good, you forgot your drugs, though," he mentions.


I forgot to ask for the medications before rushing out like I was being pursued. Well, literally, I was. Richard is someone to run away from. I can't let the same mistake happen to me again. I learned my lesson the hard way.

The Richard I used to know was ruthless, ambitious, and irritable. He was never indecisive. Which was why I knew he was not joking when he mentioned a divorce to me.

But now he seems different. More calm. More open minded.

The care he never showed me while we were married, he is showing me now.

Is this how he behaved with everyone else? Or all of his employees and business partners?

“I will come get them tomorrow or send...” I almost mention Alex's name, but I am quick to control myself. I want him to think Alex and I are together—dating or married.

“I brought them already," he announce suddenly.

“What?!” I exclaim loudly in disbelief. “Where? You don't even know where I…” I trail off when I realize he didn't know where I was staying back in London until Daisy told him. She must have also told him the address here.

Anger surges through me, and I feel like storming out to meet Daisy and warn her never to try such again.

“You didn't inform me before coming. You should have, or perhaps, let it be while I go get it tomorrow.”

“Well, the doctor mentioned you have to start taking them today, so I thought to drop them by on my way home.”

I know he is helpful and thoughtful, but I am tempted to ask him if he does this with everyone.

I am about to ask him where he is when the door to my room is flung open from outside and Daisy walks in.

I tie my towel properly, just in time for her to look up from the tablet in her hand. “Mommy, I want ice cream. Isn't Uncle Alex bringing it anymore?”

I grit my teeth and wave to her to go away until I am done with the call, but she won't budge. She stands in the middle of the room with a pout on her face.

“Is that Daisy? She wants some ice cream? Wow, I brought some.”

“What?!” I exclaim again into the phone. .

“Is that Uncle Alex?” Daisy approaches. Before I can wave her away again, she grabs my phone. “Uncle Alex, it's past my bedtime, and I need to take my ice cream first…”

“Well, I brought some darling," I hear Richard say from the other side, earning a loud, dramatic gasp from Daisy.


I grab the phone away from her. “Goodnight.”

I disconnect the call before remembering the real reason why he called and came here in the first place.

I need to start my medications, just like he said, but my pride won't let me call him back. Instead, I turn to Daisy, wagging a warning finger at her.

“Don't you ever grab my phone from me like you just did ever again. When next you do that, I am going to take your phone and have you grounded, ok?”

She doesn't react, and fear jumps into me. Quickly, I shake her shoulder, and she shrieks. “Richard is here. He brought me ice cream. Mommy, let him in, please. He is my friend. When you let him in, I will promise never to do that again.”

I shake my head, ignoring the wave of relief. “No! You either wait for Alex or go to bed without it.”


“Richard is a stranger!” I remind her with a shout. She pouts once more and stomps her feet on the floor.

My phone begins to ring again, and I grab it to see that it is a strange number. I pick up and glue the phone to my ear without saying a word. I want to know if it's still him or someone else.

“I don't need to come in, you can come get them yourself so I can go home." His tone is different from earlier. He sounds somewhat upset with my actions.

Quilt settles inside of me.

He is my boss. I'm the one who pretends to not know him as my ex-husband. Then I should regard him as my boss. Why does my emotion of anger have to keep fluctuating between red and cool?

He is just concerned; nothing more.

“Where are you?” I sign deeply.

“Outside the gate.”

“I will be there in a jiffy," I mutter, and Daisy storms out. At this point, I don't care if she cries or decides to throw a tantrum. Richard is not someone to welcome in here, and that is final.

Before heading out, I drop the phone and rush to the closet to grab a shirt and a short.

When I get close to the gate, I signal to the guard to open it. When he does that, I immediately see Richard's car. He peeks his head out and waves with a smile on his face.

I thought he would be upset with my behavior, but he isn't.

I walk closer, until I am standing right beside his car. He digs his head back to pick up the medication from the safe on the other side before stretching it to me.

I don't want him to say anything before grabbing them and heading back towards the gate with a nonchalant attitude.

As soon as I am back inside, regrets wash through me for my inability to hide my emotions.

Richard must already know that I am her.

Arabel Cooper, and not the Bella Portillo I am claiming to everyone.


What do you think?

Do you think Arabel is overreacting? Do you think she shouldn't let Richard get close to them?

Do you think Richard has a tangible excuse to plead for forgiveness and to have her back? Will it be worth it?

Do we all deserve a second chance?

Air your views and dont forget to vote❤

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