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Azula huffed to herself as she dragged the large saddle, her arms starting to shake with exertion. "This is getting ridiculous." She mumbled to herself between sharp breaths, sighing in relief as she finally spotted her destination. It would not be too much further.

The first saddle had been difficult enough for her to carry, the basket of food making it all the more difficult. Even that did not compare to this one, which was almost twice the original's size and made longer. The few additions she made to it did not help in the slightest.

Still, the old saddle was unsuitable for Sora's current size, and she would rather not risk flying without some form of safety. 'Though I don't know how often we will be able to fly in the future anyway.' She thought to herself morosely, the feelings echoed by her dragon whom she felt approaching her.

While Azula doubted many had put stock into the rumor Ty Lee had told her about, the risk that came with flying would increase significantly. Most in Caldera had probably heard some variant of the story by now, and even if it was seen as nothing more than a folk tale, that kind of scrutiny was wholly unwelcome. They would have to limit themselves to cloudier nights.

Azula looked up as she heard her companion groan, the dragon sulking at her conclusion. "I don't like it either," The princess soothed, happily letting go of the saddle as she ran her hands through her partner's blue fur. "But it's better than us being caught."

The chances of that happening were high enough without them taking frequent flights, and she wasn't quite in the mood to tempt fate as she so often did.

She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, still not having found an appealing solution to finding Sora a new place to stay. "Come on," The girl said with a grunt as she haphazardly tossed the saddle on Sora. "Use those big bones for something helpful for once." She paused for a moment after her words, a feeling of something itching in her mind that she could not figure out at that moment. She shook her head, letting the odd feeling pass in favor of getting to the clearing.

Azula grinned as she felt the dragon's aggrieved thoughts, paying them no heed as she led the way. She could hear her companions grumbling through their bond and in the petulant sounds she was emitting with each heavy footfall. 'Where did she learn to be so vain?' The prodigious firebender easily ignored the dry stare she was receiving from the overgrown lizard.

Before long, they had reached the center of the clearing, where Sora hastily shook off her new saddle, making her way to the remainder of the food she had brought the previous night. Knowing the saddle would be ready, Azula had brought extra for the dragon to last her through tonight. It had made her nervous to take so much food in one night, knowing that the servants had noticed the frequent shortages, but the risk had been worth the effort it saved her.

Still, there were so many risks lately...

The princess idly pat Sora as she moved past the ravenous dragon, her eyes searching the area before she started making her way to the outer edges of the clearing. There, she found unassuming, dense foliage that was surrounded by trees and bushes in such a way that it was almost completely hidden from view if one did not know where to look.

Azula had found this spot a few months ago when looking for a place to keep the saddle when it was not being used. With her unwillingness to traverse with it every night and Sora's unwillingness to wear it more than necessary, having an out-of-the-way area to put it was essential. The fact that it was so well hidden was a great boon, now more than ever.

She sifted through the innocuous area, quickly finding what she was searching for. Hidden among the fallen leaves and greenery lay Sora's first saddle. She lifted it from its hiding place with a huff, setting it down away from the hidden area, revealing several small, full pouches. Untying the knot that held it closed, Azula's golden eyes met coins made out of the same color.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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