Cousins once again

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Remus laid his head back thinking about what the year ahead would hold for him and Sirius. It wasn't the teaching that made him feel so uncertain, but knowing that Death Eaters were reassembling and the Order was back together changed everything. Hogwarts would be a very different place to what it was 2 years prior.
For one, he felt very out of place in this compartment. It was packed to the brim with teenagers. Remus was not enjoying himself and suddenly, the compartment door opened to reveal a further 3 teenagers. Remus groaned inwardly.

"Hey" said Seamus looking around the cramped compartment. There was barely any room to stand. Suddenly he realised there were faces that he did not recognise.
"Who are you all?" Neville voiced the question thought by Seamus and Dean.
James jumped at the opportunity to introduce himself with his new alias.
"Please allow me to introduce myself and my friends" he announced waving his hands around at the whole compartment, "we have myself James Peverell, Acamar Black, Richard Lupin, Peter Wilson and Lily Weasley, at your service".
"Cool" Dean said, stepping forward. "Are you guys transfers from another school? I'm Dean Thomas and these two are Seamus and Neville" he pointed at each of the boys next to him. The chatter increased following the introductions as the compartment became even more crowded with teenagers. Remus sighed in frustration and rolled his eyes. This was one place he did not want to be in, surrounded by students he would be teaching.

Remus got up and was about to leave when Sirius called out,
"Oi, where you going?".
Remus gritted his teeth, cursing Sirius under his breath but turned around, letting his hand drop from the door handle in front of him.
"I need a drink. I'll be back" and without waiting for a response, slipped out.

He leaned against the wall, breathing a sigh of relief.  Now to find Sirius.

'Shit' Sirius thought as he crouched behind the drivers seat, seeking cover from his psychotic cousin. The driver was now lying slumped on the floor in front of him which made it very hard for Sirius to move around the small area without cover. He moved his arm quickly around the chair and shouted 'stupefy'. Bellatrix cackled as she sent Sirius' spell flying into the window shattering it to bits.
Wind gushed in as the train continued on its journey to Hogsmeade.
"Come out, you coward!" Bellatrix screamed. She shot off three consecutive hexes; making Sirius wince as the impact rocked the chair he was clinging to. He was really regretting leaving Grimmauld Place now and it wasn't much relief knowing that Bellatrix was only trying to injure him and not kill him. There was no opening for him to move. Bellatrix had him well and truly boxed in.

Remus was making his way down the corridor towards the driver's compartment when he heard the glass splinter and smash. Straight away, his hand went to his wand at his belt and he broke into a run, dodging students till he reached the door.
It was locked.
Remus stepped back to cast alohamora when a spell whizzed past his heart and struck the door; splintering the wood. He ducked and turned around to find himself face to face with Antonin Dolohov; a man who was until recently a permanent resident of Azkaban prison. Remus cursed. There was no way Dolohov was in here alone, which meant that Sirius was probably stuck inside the drivers compartment with another Death Eater.
Dolohov aimed another spell at Remus, forming Remus to put up a shield. He looked to his right. The compartment next to him was full of students and he was starting to draw attention to himself.
Remus noticed Dolohov's continuous spell work consisted of fierce stunners and mediocre hexes. It wasn't lethal. That was reassuring, but Remus was also aware of what would happen should one of those hexes hit him. His shield wall stood strong as Remus once again glanced towards the student compartments. There were a group of six, stood at the door looking out. Remus held up his hand at them indicating that they were to stay where thy were and not come out into the corridor. Desperately, he thought of a way out. There was nowhere Remus could go and it was only a matter of time before Dolohov attempted a different way of taking Remus out.
Remus' hand tightened around his wand as he quickly lowered his shield non-verbally and then launched his whole body at Dolohov.

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