The Advanced Guard of Two-Part 2

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"I think we apparated too close" Remus whispered to Sirius as they made their way towards Privet Drive. "I think we shouldn't have apparated at all". He paused. "Harry's still got the trace on him. This is a bad idea. Maybe we should go back". 

They stopped. Sirius turned to look at Remus, with a scowl on his face.

"For real mate? I cannot believe you're a Marauder. What's the matter with you?".

It was a good thing that there were light posts that lit up the street. The ridiculously dark shades that Sirius had made himself and Remus wear, made it close to impossible to see anything, and had fuelled the doubts swimming around in Remus' head.

As they neared Privet Drive, Remus stopped voicing the worries and concerns of getting caught and concentrated instead on the current task at hand.

Privet Drive had always been a quiet street. It could be known as the most ordinary and normal street throughout the whole of Britain. That is until Harry Potter had begun to live there.
Beginning with flying motorbikes and off appearances of people through fireplaces, it was starting to lose its very normal reputation.

Harry stared out of his bedroom window, his elbows resting on the cold platform of the window sill. He wondered exactly how long Dumbledore needed to get him away from his aunt and uncle.
It had been nearly a week since he had sent his reply to Ron and Hermione. They had replied almost immediately,  but when he'd read what they'd wrote, he'd sighed and not bothered to reply. A part of him thought that if he didn't reply, they'd think something was wrong and come faster to get him.
He didn't like people mothering over him but if it got him away from Privet Drive, he couldn't care less.

Harry was lost, deep in thought when he heard rustling and muffled whispers from below his window. His brows furrowed as he leaned forward hoping to catch a glimpse of what it was that had drawn his attention.
His arm had moved from the window sill and was reaching over his bedside table, where he'd placed his wand.

The voices below were beginning to get louder. Now they were directly below his window. Harry would have to lean forward out of the window to be able to see what it was.
Smartly he put his wand first, be he saw nothing. The voices had suddenly quietened.

Number 4 Privet Drive was silent as the two strangers moved towards it with the occasional mutter.

The lights were all out and once again, the shades that Remus and Sirius were wearing weren't helping their situation much.

"Ring the bell, or knock. Maybe they'll let us in" Remus whispered into Sirius' ear.
Sirius turned around and gave Remus a bewildered look.
"Sure. Let's hope they keep us around for breakfast too."
Remus blinked.
"Okay. Let's not knock then. What's our plan? We can hardly unlock the door using magic can we?"

Sirius ignored Remus and looked up. Harry had told him where his room was and Sirius could see it from where he was standing. Even better was the fact that the window was open. How easy it would be for them to just call up to Harry and get him to make his way down to them. However, their shouts, or whispers even, may wake the Dursley's or worse, the neighbourhood. Not an option when said neighbourhood included Ms Figg. 

Sirius sighed.

"You still remember how to pick a lock right?" he asked Remus.
Remus eyed him warily and bit his lip.
"It's illegal" he replied. 
"Are you kidding me right now! you're with an escaped, alleged serial killer and your worried about doing something illegal".

They began arguing. At first, they were quiet yet harsh whispers, but gradually began to increase in volume. 
"...No. I will most certainly not- 
He was cut off by the sound of a switch being turned on. And it had come from within the house. Both men ceased bickering and turned their heads towards the door. "Nice going Sirius, they're awake"
"Don't blame this on me. We would already be in the house-

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