This just is not Fair!

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They nodded enthusiastically at this and were going to go and follow their adult selves out of the room when Remus and Sirius were stopped by Professor McGonagall.

She was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest and she was glaring again.

Remus, who was in front cleared his throat,

"Er, Miner-

"Professor McGonagall, Mr Lupin" she said through gritted teeth.

"Okay...Professor. We need to go through the door to get to Molly".

"Yeah, and you're kind of in the way" Sirius added rather rudely. Remus elbowed him.

She glared at him, "The six of you will not be leaving this room until i allow you to, so go back and sit down".

Remus' and Sirius' jaws dropped, but they quickly recovered and stared in a rather determined way at their ex-professor.

"Why us? What did we do? We didn't travel 19 years into the future. They did, so tell them off. Me and Moony-

"Moony and I" Remus corrected.

"Shut up. We didn't do anything. They did".

"Indeed" McGonagall agreed dryly, "you were not a part of the wretched game during your fourth year. It was not your idea Mr Black and you, Mr Lupin did not do unnecessary magic to charm parchment. And both of you certainly didn't miss your detentions".

Remus and Sirius blinked blankly. "No. Mr Black, you cheated during the Transfiguration Exam, and Mr Lupin, sneaking into my office and charming my belongings to bite my fingers is intolerable. Might i add that it is you also who has travelled into the future, not your ghosts. Now go and sit down".

"This is ridiculous Professor. I really need to go-

"Do you not understand the meaning of go and sit down Mr Lupin. Would you like me to call back Alastor?"

Remus' gritted his teeth. He really didn't have time for this. There was a war going on, and he was getting scolded for something they did years ago.

"This isn't fair. I am not going to be told what to do" Sirius argued. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared back at McGonagall.

Remus tried to reason with their former professor, "Professor, it was fourth year. More that 20 years ago. Your not seriously going to reprimand us for it now. I mean, our younger selves i can understand, but us? We're in the middle of a war".

"Time is no excuse; and i think it very fair that you too go through the consequences. As for the war;  I couldn't care less if Voldemort himself was here. You were, are a prefect. How could you be so irresponsible Remus. You disappoint me. Now do as I tell you otherwise the punishment I have in store for you will be a lot worse. Now go and sit down".

Remus gritted his teeth but ended his argument and went to sit down. Sirus, on the other hand made no attempt to move. "Is there something you want Black?"

Sirius muttered something under his breath then followed Remus to the sofa.

The Marauders saw this all take place. Unlike Remus and Sirius, they had gone and sat down, knowing McGonagall. They expected this to happen anyway. What they didn't expect was to see adult Remus and Sirius argue with McGonagall, and glare at them, very angrily. Who'd thought you could get angry at yourself? "I'll be right back. Don't you dare move". Professor McGonagall's eyes wavered over the six boys before she turned her back on them and left.

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